Chapter 2 (con't)

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I stared ahead intently as I waited for the final bell to ring. It had been a rough day, but I made it through. After the fiasco with Madison this morning, and the boy I'd never seen before, I had kept my head down and tried not to draw attention to mysef. For the most part it had worked. That is until I almost walked into a pole reading my book. It wasn't the first time, but people still found it amusing.
    The shrill sound of the bell ringing filled my ears and I bolted for the door. Moving as quickly as I was, I didn't notice the foot the just haooened to accidently end up right in front of me. I flew forward and slammed into a wall, only the wall felt soft...wait...that doesn't make sense. Looking up I realize it wasn't a wall I "fell" into, but rather the beautiful boy from before. He had piercing green eyes and dark hair. Not exactly black but almost. I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I mumbled a sorry and bolted from the classroom.
    I was shocked when I felt something attach to my arm and yank me back. Turning he stood there with a worried expression gracing his magnificent features.
    "Are you okay?" He asked quietly, looking straight at me. His voice was smooth and deep, for lack of a better word, it was hot. I quickly diverted my eyes and nodded my head . The less I said, the quicker I could leave. He scanned me from head to toe one more time and released me, turning to quietly murmur to the boy who tripped me.
    I hightailed it out if there. I had already missed the bus. I didn't want to walk home, but now I had no choice.
    After dropping stuff off at my locker, I stepped outside and started the long trek home, pondering the boy with the bright green eye's, and wondering why he would care about me.


Hey guys...sorry that was extremely late and long has been kind of rough. But good news...I'm participating in WEMO Choir!!! I'm doing something!! Anyway I'll write more and attempt to update more often. Until then, comment, vote, and share.
- XOXO Cath

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