Chapter 1

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It was just like every Monday morning. Christine would walk in to wake me up for school, I would groan and sleep for another fifteen minutes. Then finally, when I couldn't possibly sleep any longer without missing the bus, I rolled out of bed and attempted to look decent for school. Yeah right.
      I put on a pair of jeans that could considered "cute" if I actually tried. Then my black tank top, and a blue and white striped off the shoulder shirt. Over all it took about two minutes. Good that meant I still had ten minutes. As I stood debating whether I should actually tame my wild mess of curls, Christine knocked on my door.
      I had been listening to her and Daniel argue for the past couple of minutes.
       "I'll deal with him when I'm done," I said before she could even say anything. I gave up on my hair after about three attempts of trying to put it in a messy bun. Honestly with my hair you would think it would be easy; trust me, it wasn't. I hurridley put on my socks and knock off converse and grabbed my bag.
        "Daniel! I don't care if you think you're entitled to yelling at us. We are so very much older. You need to get your shoes on the right feet and get ready for the bus. You are seven years old for God's sake. You know which foot is which." We had the same arguement every morning. It was getting old fast.
      After I grabbed my coat, I walked outside to wait on Carl, the bus driver. He was actually pretty cool. I liked Carl. I did not however, like it when his dad subbed. He was a mean bastard. I just wanted the day to be over. I wanted to curl up in bed and read. I'm so tired of dealing with Rochelle every night after school. She never did anything but lay on her lazy ass and boss Chris and I around. Then when we cleaned the house, she had the audacity to tell our dad she did all the work. I was tired of it.
      The bus pulled up in front of me. Thank God for little miracles. Carl was driving. He smiled and said good morning, just like he always did as I walked by. Alana wasn't on yet. She was the next stop, meaning I was alone for another ten minutes. Story of my life, I guess.
       After everyone was settled in Carl backed up and ws started down the road.
      As we drove, I started reading the book I was currently obsessed with. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas was one of my all time favorites. I could read about Rhysand for days. I got so lost in the story I totally missed that Alana had sat down next to me.
       Looking up I smiled. "Good morning Sexy," I said. She started that one day when I was kimd of down. Now that's what our usual greeting was in the morning. Who didn't love to be called sexy when they knew for a fact they looked like horse shit?
       She smiled and started talking about her night. It was basically our routine. We lived close to each other but we didn't hang out much anymore. I was beginning to just accept the fact that my friends just didn't want to hang out with me. It was whatever, no one I was actually fond of stuck around long. It was a repeating conundrum.
       The bus pulled up to the school and I groaned. I had math first thing in the morning. Who does that? Why would you do that to some poor innocent child. If I were president I would make math illegal. It was the bane of my existence.
       We got off the bus and started walking to what I colorfully reffered to as the hell hole of my entire fucking life.


So I know its not super long but gimme a break. This phone sucks. At the current moment its 11:00 p.m. and I an supposed to be "asleep." Anyway just let me know what you think. Please comment, and vote. Btw you can check out my other book. It's not finished and it won't be. See, Rose, my dad's girlfriend took the password to the facebook i was using and changed it. Meaning i can no longer access that account. I guess its an okay book. But I'll leave it up to you guys. Thank for everything
- XOXO Cath

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