15 | Bossy

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Much to Danielle's disappointment, her day started off on an early note. Antonio had work to do and wanted to work from the hotel's coffee shop and Danielle didn't feel like walking down to the spa on her own.

Yesterday ended very late for them. After some afternoon lovin', they'd gone down to the pool to pass the time, then spent the night time at the hotel's bar after a quick dinner.

Danielle had fallen in love with the city and she hadn't even been there for more than three days. She loved everything about it so far, especially the looks she got when she was walking around with Antonio. And maybe that was the main reason she didn't want to go down to the spa by herself.

Just as she was enjoying her morning shower, Antonio called for her from the bedroom.

"Darling, your phone is ringing," he said.

"Shit!" Danielle was still covered in suds. "I'll be right out!"

She rinsed off the soap from her body as fast as she could and pulled her towel down from the top of the shower to cover up with. She hurried out of the bathroom and found that Antonio had just finished taking her phone call.

"Who was it?" Danielle adjusted her towel.

"Your sister," Antonio say back in his comfortable seat to continue with his typing on his laptop.

Danielle felt nervous. She hadn't planned for Alexis to find out about Antonio like this.

"What did she say?" Danielle asked.

"She said she really wanted to talk to you. I told her you'd call her back because you were showering."

Danielle nodded and Antonio smiled.

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

"Nothing," she lied. "I'm just thinking about what she could possibly want."

"Sounded urgent. Is she okay, do you know?"

Danielle ahook her head but quickly managed a smile.

"I'll call her back later," she said. "I've gotta get dressed quickly. You've already started working so I don't wanna keep you any longer."

"Take your time," Antonio smiled.

"You don't actually mean that, I know," Danielle went to search for something to wear.

"I do actually. You never disappoint after you spend ages in front of the mirror so I can't complain."

"I never disappoint? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately, sir?" Danielle picked out a simple yellow summer dress to wear.

"I'm pretty sure that when people stare at us when we're together, they're looking at you," Antonio smiled sweetly at Danielle, making her blush.

"I don't believe that," she said.

"You should. You're very beautiful, Elle. You're also very good at all that makeup stuff and I think you should make money off of that talent."

Danielle snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I think I need a real job, baby. Doing makeup for a living? Highly unlikely to work out for me. Besides, everybody is a makeup artist nowadays. I'll pass."

"What would you rather do then?" Antonio closed his laptop say back in his seat, his eyes fixed on Danielle.

She flashed him an innocent smile and slowly walked over to sit on his lap.

"I'd rather you stop asking me all these questions I have no answers to," she kissed him slowly.

"I'm serious, Elle," Antonio spoke between the kisses he was getting. "You at least need to think about it."

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