Stay With Me || 44

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My heart was beating out of my chest as I drove to the address Lucas sent me thirty minutes ago. I was tempted to call the cops but I didn't want to risk Jordan and Zora's life.

I thought I was done with this--with everything. Jordan killed his brother. I should've known Lucas wasn't gonna let that go.

I wanted to call Justin and tell him to get the police but I wasn't going too. I can't. Not when my best friend and daughters life is in my hands. Literally.

Arriving at the address, which was a house that was abandoned. It looked like nobody had been living here for months. I park the car and kill the engine before stepping out.

I looked at all my surroundings as I begin walking up to the porch--I walked slow because I was scared the porch was gonna give in.

Reaching the front door, I walk inside and entered. The house was pitch black. I couldn't see anything.

Until the lights flashed on.

I gasp when I see Zora and Jordan tied up in chairs, tears rolling down there face. "Oh my god." I rush over to them, I look down at Zora who was crying uncontrollably.

"So nice of you to join us."

I spin around, facing Lucas. "I did what you want. Now let them go."

"I didn't say I'd let them go, now did I?" He walked closer, "I just said if you didn't I'd kill them both."

"What do you want, Lucas?" I murmured, "This is about Austin, isn't it? Because you'd rather torture us for killing your brother who was a horrible excuse for a human."

"You stupid bitch!" He yells, "That was my brother! He was my fucking brother, and you took him from me. Jordan shot him in cold blood and I'm just supposed to let you get away with that?"

"You can't let us get away for defending ourselves but you can let your brother get away with abusing me, raping me and escaping form jail." I scoff, "Because that makes total sense."

"He's my brother--I'll always take his side." He declared.

"You should've been the one to talk some sense into him!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes. "He abused me, Lucas! Put me in the hospital more times then I can count! He fucking raped me and Im pregnant with his child--and you expect me to be okay with that? No." I shake my head, "Austin got what he deserved. He deserved to die. In fact, I'm disappointed in myself for not shooting the trigger sooner."

In one swift motion, Austin grabbed me by the throat. "Your lucky your pregnant with my brothers kid or I'd slice that pretty little throat of yours."

"Leave her alone!" Jordan yells, catching both of our attention.

"You..." Lucas lets go of me and points at Jordan, "Shut before I make you."

"Lucas, stop this." I utttered softly, "Don't do this--please."

Lucas hesitates before turning and looking at me. "Alright, on one condition."

"---Tell me."

"I will let Jordan and Zora walk away from here unharmed.." He trails off, "If you leave with me right now, not saying goodbye to anyone besides them. You'll have that baby--and then I kill you."

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