Stay With Me || 22

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THEATwo weeks later

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Two weeks later

Sighing, I continued to watch tv, every few minutes I glanced at the clock hoping more time has passed. Jordan was currently at work, her shift didn't end for another four hours. Zora was at school and Justin was at an interview, he should be back soon though. He said he would be back so we could go out for lunch around 12:30 and it's around that time now.

I felt good, I felt safe, the worries about Austin were still wondering around in my head though. As soon as I'm seen out with Justin he's gonna know exactly where I am, Although Justin's house was pretty secure and he does have the best security.

Jordan continued to tell me all those things and now I guess I'm starting to believe them.

Snapping me from my thoughts, the front door opened and closed. I stay laying under the blanket until Justin came around the corner, taking his jacket off. "I see your still right where I left you."

Sitting up I smile, "They were having a marathon of Elvis movies so why not?"

"Well, Elvis can wait." Justin grabs the remote from my hands and switches the tv off. He sits it aside and gets on top of my body, "See this is much better than Elvis right?"

"Hm/no I don't think so." I tease, "He was just about to kiss that girl."

"Yeah well, I'm about to kiss this girl." Justin leans forward, pressing our lips together.

I close my eyes, immediately kissing him back. My hands couldn't do what they wanted because he laying into of me, and plus they were under the blanket.

Justin's hand, which were free, was gripping the side of my neck gently as our lips moved together until I heard someone clear there throat, I quickly pushed Justin off causing him to hit the other end of the couch.

I look over and see Scooter.

"Oh by the way, Scooter is here."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"..I got distracted." Justin replies, running his hands through his hair before standing up.

"Yeah no shit." I tell him, throwing the blanket off my body. "I need to change before we head out."

"Kennedy, wait." Scooter stopped me, "I actually wanted to talk to you."


"Well, this is your first time out in public with people around." He reminds me, "I just wanted to make sure your okay."

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