Stay With Me || 01

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Sipping my beer, I sit in the VIP area with my boys Ryan and Chaz. Fredo was somewhere, dancing with some blonde on the dance floor. Atleast I think there dancing, they might've snuck away to fuck for a good five minutes.

I, however was just sitting here because if I moved to talk to a girl, I'd most likely get bitched at.

"Bro." Ryan elbowed me, "that girl over there has been staring at you for the past ten minutes."

"Okay, and? why wouldn't she?" I take another sip of my beer.

"Stop being a cocky ass and go talk to her."
Chaz tells me.

I shrug, "Really dont feel getting bitched at when I'm trying to have a good night, Chaz."

"Since when does Bieber not wanna get laid?"
Ryan chuckles.

I roll my eyes, "You try getting bitched at every time you talk to a girl." I continued, "Paparazzi will make you look bad Justin, Appearances are everything Justin. Blah blah blah."

Chaz glanced at Ryan then back at me, "Is that the case or are you uh, scared she's gonna turn you down?"

I laugh, is he serious right now?

"Turn me down? When has that ever happened? You do still see her staring right?" I turn my head and smirk at the brunette, she pushes hair behind her ear and smiles back. Still staring at her, I say "She wouldn't turn me down."

"Prove it then."

Do they really think she'd turn me down?

I hand my beer over to Chaz and stand up. I make my way over to her, pushing my way through the sweaty bodies. I personally love coming to clubs, Fredo not so much, he only comes because Scooter doesn't trust me enough right now to come alone. He thinks I'm gonna get so fucked up to where I can't even stand up straight, that has happened before but I learned my lesson.

Somewhere in between while I was walking over my attention was drawn elsewhere.

To a girl and a guy.

They looked like they were arguing, which I could care less, however he was gripping her arm and pulling her towards him. I mean, I like a little aggressive here and there but not like that.

Her hands pushed him away but he wasn't taking no for an answer.

Now, you see. I'm a fuck boy, I can admit that, but I wouldn't force myself on someone who didn't want me that's only because I don't need to use force when they willingly go with me but thats not the point. - Seeing that, made my blood boil.

I looked back at the girl, then back at the couple.

Do I get laid, or help this girl out?

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