Stay With Me || 43

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Its been a week since I've seen Justin, who is in New Jersey for a concert tonight. Christmas was absolutely perfect, I couldn't have asked for a better one. Justin loved the watch I got for him--it couldn't compare to the ring he got me but he's still grateful.

Glancing down at the ring, I roll it around on my finger while I wait for Jordan to come back upstairs with the paint.

Currently, we were getting the nursery ready for my babygirl. I'm calling her baby girl until I can figure out what I'm naming her, which I have yet to decide on.

Looking to my right I see Jordan returning upstairs with the can of paint, "Are you sure I can't help you?"

"No--your pregnant." She enters the room, "Besides we gotta hurry this up so you can get ready for your interview."

Interview--I have an interview tonight with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. I was excited, it's my first appearance on his show, I'm sad Justin can't be here but I know I'll see him soon.

"That's not until tonight, Jordan." I softly laugh, "I have all day."

"Your still coming to dinner tonight though right?" Jordan asked, sitting the paint down on the floor.

"Yes--I am, don't worry." I stand up, "Now, let's get to painting."

Jordan hands me a paintbrush, "I can't wait to go shopping for her--that's the best part."

"Justin's coming home soon to take me." I tell her, "You can join us if you want to."

"I still can't believe he asked you to be his girlfriend in front of everyone." She exclaimed, "I was silent but on the inside I was like bitch yes! Get some of that jerry!"

"Oh my god-Jordan!" I laugh, playfully pushing her.

"I'm serious!" She returns the laugh, "You would tell me if you did right?"


Jordan's eyes widened, "You didn't!" I smile lightly, "Oh my god you did! How was it! I want all the details!"

"It was amazing--he was-"

"Please do not say gentle." She makes a weird face, "Nobody likes gentle sex."

"Before you rudely interrupted me--he was really good at handling me." I declared, "And for your information it wasn't all gentle."

"I can't believe you guys had sex!" She squeals, "Oh my god- he was your second lover wasn't he? Did that make you feel uncomfortable?"

"No--god no." I shake my head, "I didn't feel uncomfortable at all, I felt safe, like he actually wanted me there. Austin was my first but I want justin to be my last.." finishing my sentence, a smile formed on my lips, "I love him, Jordan---I can finally say that about someone and not be afraid of what's gonna happen."

Jordan again, squeals and pulls me in for a hug. "I'm happy for you, Thea."

"I'm happy for you to, Jordan." I smile at her, pulling away. "Your my best friend--more like my sister and I couldn't have done any of this alone.." I shake my head, "I love you girl, and thank you for putting up with this all these years."

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