Stay With Me || 33

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The door opened, Detective Fargo and Jordan walks in and I immediately stand up. "I got a text from her."

"What? Are you serious? let me see." Jordan quickly reacts grabbing my phone. "..It says T. It has to be her."

"It's signed T, that's now her." Fargo shakes her head, "But I'm sure something-"

"No, listen to me." I stop her from talking, "I can't explain why it says T instead of K because if I do there's a whole other story behind it and it's not mine to tell nor do we have time. Please trust me, it's her Detective Fargo. Please."

"..Alright.." She nods, "I'll have it traced, see where it came from but you and this girl have got alot of explaining to do."


I sat on the bed, hugging my knees against my bare chest with a blank expression on my face as I stared at the walls. My eyes were red and puffy from crying, my body had bruises everywhere. I felt like I had no energy or control over my body.

Austin had done the worst thing yet, he raped me. He actually raped me. I begged and pleaded for him to stop but he just kept going, pulling my hair tighter so I would shut up. He made me have sex with him again, and again. Just to get it through my head that I was his.

Austin, who was getting dressed looked at me and sighs, "Cmon Thea, don't be like this."

I stayed silent, continuously looking at the walls. He disgusts me. I fucking hate him. I hate him with the passion. Beating me is one thing but forcing me to have sex with him is another. "Fucking look at me when I'm talking to you."

"I might be stuck here, and you might force me to talk.." I trail off, "But you can't force me to look at you. I don't want to. Not after what you just did. Your disgusting."

Austin softly laughs at my words before exiting the room, I hear it lock from the outside. I grab my clothes from the floor as I glance to my right seeing a bathroom, I walk towards it but when I see Austins phone on the floor.

I quickly grab it only to find out it's locked. "Dammit."

C'mon, think Thea. What four numbers could it be?

I typed 1994. Incorrect.

1996. Incorrect.

2002. Innocent.

"Fuck, Thea cmon." I told myself, trying a different number. Incorrect.

Closing my eyes, I realized I haven't tried the most two important years. The year we got together and the year Zora was born.

I quickly typed in the year we got together, which said incorrect.

"Please be right.." I begged, clicking the numbers that were for Zora's birth year.

Suddenly it unlocks, bringing me to his homescreen.
"Oh my god." I let out a sigh and go to dial 911 but hear voices coming upstairs. I immediately go to text messages and type it Justin's number before sending him a text, I made sure to delete it before putting it back on the door where I found it.

I grab my clothes that I dropped just as the door opened. Austin walked in, "What are you doing? We're not done yet." He grabs my arm, dragging me with him causing me to drop my clothes.

I was still naked and he basically was allowing everyone in the house to see me. We reached other door that led to the basement. He opened the door and pushed me forward, telling me to walk down.

I didn't hesitate to do so, he followed behind me. I stopped when I reached the last step. The lights turned on reveling a medal table with straps. Before I could say anything about it he once again grabs me, taking me to the table.
"What are you doing?"

"Get on the table." He demands. I opened my mouth to object but he holds up his finger, "Don't make me say it twice or this will go way further then it needs to be."

Fear rushes through my body as I climbed on the table, laying down. Austin straps my wrists and ankles down along with a strap over my vagina and boobs to cover them up.

I was strapped down, I couldn't move. Tears rolled down my cheeks, dropping on the table. "Why are you going this?"

"To show you what's gonna happen if you continue to run from me." He replies, "This is the what, third or fourth time? When is that pretty little mind of yours gonna realize there is no running because I always find you."

"I only run because your abusive and controlling."
I shake my head, "You don't know how to love someone properly. You pushed our daughter for gods sake!"

"You know what?" He forcefully grabs my jaw, turning me to look at him. "I think it's best if you just shut up."

I search my eyes with his, I knew the old Austin was gone. He has been for a long time. We would still be together right now, probably with a second kid if he didn't fuck it up. Now, he's just some guy I used to know, or thought I knew.

"After I'm done here, your gonna understand that there is no running anymore." He tells me, "You've gotten away from me before but not this time sweetheart, and if somehow you do, I would run like hell because if I find you again, I will kill you."

"You've said that before. I'm still alive aren't I?" I spat.

Austin grins lightly, "Your alive because I let you. I could kill you right now but I'm not going too. I'm gonna give you one last chance to make things right."

I shake my head, tears continuing to roll down my face. "You can hit me, kick me, tie me up, drag my body throughout this whole damn house even rape me but I will never agree to go back to you, and Zora? You'll never see her again. She doesn't deserve to have a sorry excuse of a father like you."

"You will fucking come with me." He spat, gripping my jaw tighter.

"And if I don't?"

"I'll kill you. I'm done playing damn games." He clenched his jaw, "You know what they say, if I can't have you, no one can."

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