Stay With Me || 28

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"I'm doing on a date with Ryan on Saturday."

I stopped in my tracks, "What?"

"He asked me out, I said yes." She announced, "So, were going on a date."

"Wow, that's good I guess." I tell her, making my way to the fridge. "Where to?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't ask."

"I mean - do you like him already or are you going on this date to find out?" I asked her after grabbing my salad for work.

"I think I do yeah." She nods, "Thats why I said yes."

"Oh, you remember Candice?" I question, "You've never met her but Ryan and Fredo talks about her alot."

"Candice." She paused, "The one that likes Fredo?"

"Yep." I replied popping the p, "Thats the one. Anyway, she came to the hospital the other day with her niece and she seems pretty chill."

"I would love to meet her."

"Good, I'm glad you say that because we're having dinner with her tonight." I smile excitedly, "Your in right?"

"Yeah - of course." She nods, "Can we invite Ryan, Chaz and Fredo too?"

"Yeah." I respond, "I guess so, I'm sure Justin won't mind."

"Speaking of Justin.." She trails off, "Have you talked to him yet?"

"Actually, remember Collin?" I question, "The one I had dinner with the other night."

She nods, waiting for me to continue. "He's actually a therapist and he's been helping me through all this."

"He's a therapist?" She softly laughs, "I mean that can be a good thing."

"Exactly!" I smile, "Which is why I need a favor."

"Oh lord." She playfully rolls her eyes, "What is it?"

"Collin has this resort a few towns over from here, it's a resort where people go and talk to a bunch of therapists and get advice." I inform, "He invited me to go this weekend and I was hoping you could watch Zora for me."

"You know I will." She nods, "But is that really necessary? Seeing a therapist?"

"Honestly I don't know." I shake my head, "I don't know if it's absolutely necessary but I know talking to Collin about Justin has helped me alot. Whenever I went to his house for dinner he made me realize that forgiveness and trust is the key to starting a relationship or even having one. If you don't have that you don't have anything, Justin made a mistake and I'm sure he regrets it."

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