Stay With Me || 42

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• Alright guys, So I was gonna have Theas mom have the name Candice but I changed my mind only because there's already a Candice in the story. Theas mom, her name is now Joann. •

2 months later

"We can't stay here to much longer." I tell Justin, who's chest I was laying my head on.

He chuckles, "We says who can't?"

"Our family and friends--that's who." I declared, "They'll be here in less then an hour and there's still more decorations to be put up."

"You and Jordan have been decorating since five this morning." He exclaimed.

"And I'm about to be decorating some more--you too so cmon." I sit up, looking at Justin. "You can finish outside while me and Jordan finish in the living room."

Justin groans, grabbing a pillow and putting it over his face. "I hate holidays."

"Justin--" I take the pillow off his face, "No you don't."

In one swift motion, he sits up, wrapping his arm around my back. "Who says?"

"Me--holidays are supposed to be about family." I murmured, "And you love your family."

"I like holidays--I just don't like getting ready for the holidays." He declared, pushing the hair from my face behind my ear, "But I have everything I want so maybe it won't be so bad."

"If you already have everything you want I guess you don't get your gift." I trailed off.

He furrows his eyebrows, "You got me something?"

"Of course." I exclaimed, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Nothing." He shakes his head, "I'm sure I'll love it--I know you'll love yours."

"What did you get me?" I asked, a smile forming on my face.

"You'll have to wait until we all open gifts to see." He states, "Anyway--are you excited for everyone to find out what your having?"

"I am." I smile, "Jordan thinks she knows what I'm having but she's wrong."

"I still don't understand why you won't tell me." He playfully pouts, "I won't tell anyone."

"I want it to be a surprise for everyone." I announce, "Now cmon, we have so much decorating to do."

"Mom! Dad!" I pull them both in for a hug, "I'm so glad you could make it--" I pull away, looking down at Trent who was in the car seat. "Hi little one, merry Christmas."

"He didn't like the car ride over here." Mom softly laughs, "Cried almost-"

"You must me Mr. and Mrs James."

I stand up, glancing behind me and I see Justin standing there with a smile. "Justin this is Daniel and Joann, guys this is Justin."

"Nice to meet you--your so handsome." My mom exclaimed, using her hand to pinch his cheeks.

"Mom--that's enough." I murmured.

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