Stay With Me || 35

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Justin sat in passenger seat, bouncing his leg up and down as he continued to grow more and more inpatient while they traveled to the address in Georgia.

In had been almost a day since they begin driving, Detective Fargo had many police vans and cars following behind her. She needed to have this address surrounded. Austin had escaped from a prison once before, she wasn't gonna allow him to get away again.

In that days time, Thea continued to fill the punishments of Austin. He would make her perform sexual in-counters for his own pleasure. He would take her to the basement everyday for over an hour then leave her there for hours more. He wanted her to give in, to say yes to leaving with him. She could always say yes and run, but he wanted her to understand that no matter what happens, he will find her so the best option would just be to give into him.

But she wasn't going to. A little over a week and she was still going strong. Of course she was weak but in her mind, she was strong. She knew she had to hold on. She felt in her heart she would get out of alive if she just held on a little bit longer.

Thea laid on the metal table, her breaths were heavy, her body was sweating and her eyes were swollen from crying so much. Austin closed his cabinet letting Thea know he was done with his punishments for today. "So, are you ready to give in yet?"

Thea closed her eyes, letting tears fall along her cheeks.

"Cmon love, all you have to do is say yes then all this ends." Austin trails off, "The pain, the running, the punishments. Now you could say yes and end up running again but we both know that won't end up very well. We'll just be here, over and over. This will be your life everyday until you give into me."

Thea shakes her head, "No..the answer is no."

"Very well." Austin sarcastically sighs, "I'll come get you in a few hours."

The lights went off and Austin disappeared upstairs. Silent cries filled the room from Thea. Should I give up? She thought. She was on the edge of giving up. Her body was sore and weak. Bruises everywhere along with cuts and marks.

If only she knew Justin and Jordan were on their way to her as she laid there, letting soft cries escape her lips.

Awhile later, cop cars surrounded the house. Detective Fargo stepped out of the van, "Vegas and Mitch. Come with me." She then looks at Justin and Jordan, "Same for you too. If this guy is here you both know what he looks like?"

"I do." Justin tells her. Him and Jordan following Fargo, Vegas and Mitch up to the front door then knocking a few times before the door opened.

A blonde guy stood there, eyeing the cops from head to toe. "Can I help you?"

"Were looking for Austin Green. He here by any chance?" Fargo asked the dude.

As that conversation carried on, downstairs Austin shut the door and walked over to Thea. "How did he find you!?" He yelled at her. Thea furrowed her eyes in confusion. "..What?"

"Looks like your little boy toy followed through." Austin clenches his jaw.

Meanwhile, upstairs cops searched the house room by room. Austin begin to feel nervous when he heard footsteps above him, he knew he was about to get caught. He knew they were about to take Thea away. He swallowed loudly followed by a groan.

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