The Littlest

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I was officially meeting the family. It had been months now, and I suppose we both needed to get it over with to move forward as a couple. I knew he didn't want or need to meet my parents, but I felt better knowing I was going to be official with his family. It made me feel secure. It made the relationship feel more permanent, or maybe that he intended for it to be lasting.

Whatever the reasons we were doing it, I could tell that he was nervous. That in turn made me nervous. He told me a little about his family. A very little bit. He had two older brothers, and his mother and father were both older and close to retirement. I didn't really pay attention to names or ages, but I noted that his brothers were over five years apart from him. That must have been tough growing up.

His parents house was modest, two levels but made from the same brick as half the neighbourhood. There was no garage, just a pile of cars all parked in the driveway. They didn't have a yard. That shocked me the most I think. The neighbours were right next door, only a few feet away! I gawked at the neighbourhood more than I suppose was polite, but it was the first time I was experiencing this sort of location.

"Who does that spot with the swing-set belong to?" I asked as we drove up the street. He glanced over at me and then back at the road.

"That is the park. It belongs to the city. The whole neighbourhood uses it." He explained. I nodded but I wasn't sure I really understood. Then I thought back to my condo.

"Oh! Like our community workout centre?" He smiled and nodded at my words. I grinned in triumph. When we pulled into the crowded drive, I saw through the open curtains at the crowd of people in the living room. Looks like his brothers had both shown up to meet me. I smoothed sweating hands down my pant legs and gave Edmund a shaky smile. He came around to get my door, and took my hand to lead me up the walkway.

"Welcome! Come on inside and meet everyone." A large burly guy had thrown the door open as we walked up and motioned us inside. I smiled shyly and let Edmund lead me into the packed living room after I took off my shoes. I caught the exchanged glances and raised eyebrows between the family members. I was taken in front of a tall woman with Edmund's colouring and introduced. This was his mother, and she hugged me quickly while saying I was such a cute little thing.

I gulped. Everyone was huge. His mom was about the same size as Edmund and the rest of the males were at least three inches taller. It was very intimidating to my more petit five foot six inches. They dwarfed me, with their broad shoulders and six foot or more height. Of the four of them, Edmund was the littlest. They hugged his five foot eleven frame as though he was a kid and gave him a hard time about his tiny boyfriend. It was all good natured family ribbing, but I understood better why Edmund liked being the one in charge between us.

"So Brendan, what do you do?" His father shook my hand and was giving me another once over. I knew I was probably over dressed by their standards, but my wardrobe didn't really allow for anything more casual.

"I am a Division Manager for AGCO & Sons. That is how I met your son actually. I was just headhunted to their corporation here and I met him getting settled in my new office." I beamed over at Edmund and he blushed at the attention in front of his family.

"Wow. You were headhunted for AGCO? Where did you used to work?" His brother pried. I hesitated, not really comfortable talking about my parent's company. I exchanged a glance with Edmund as warning.

"I used to work for Riley Incorporated." There was a silence for a moment. Then his other brother whistled softly.

"That's quite the resume." His dad sat back on the easy chair and an awkward silence hung. I wasn't sure if Edmund had remembered my last name, nor if he had told his parents what it was. Then I heard his mother squawk. Never mind; he had told someone.

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