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Kara grew frustrated as she searched through her purse for the past 2 minutes. She checked every pocket and from top to bottom it wasn't there. She was holding several files that Snapper wanted her to organize, although she did have super strength, that didn't mean this was the most comfortable position in the world or it kept her from dropping things. As she was on the verge of losing her patients and busting down the door, familiar foot steps approached her. Knowing this persons was not a threat she didn't bother giving a sign that she notice their presence.

"Hey" the voice called out

Kara only continues to look for her keys.

"I said 'Hey'" the ususal intimidating voice was now a soft tone that was only reserved for her baby sister.

"Alex" she acknowledges

"What are you looking for?"

"My keys"

Alex raises her eyebrows and her eyes drift down to Kara's belt loops where her keys hung.

"You mean the ones hanging on your waist?"

Kara immediately stops what she was doing. She glances down and- oh what do you know, her keys were there the entire time.

Alex sighed to herself. What will this girl do without me?

The Kryptonian unhooks the keys and quickly unlocks the door. As soon as she got in she drops her belongings on the dining table.

She makes a bee line for the dish washer to grab a cup and then to the fridge. Once she got herself a drink she turns to Alex.

"Did you need something? I thought you had a bunch of paperwork to do."

Alex, who was already making herself comfortable on the couch replies, "I thought so too but I got them done early. Thought we can have another sisters night since you were so distracted yesterday." She eyes the files on the table, "But it seems like we won't be able to do that"

Kara follows her gaze and realizes what she was insinuating, "Oh don't worry about. I just need to organize them. It won't take long."

Alex looks at the large stack and then back to Kara.

It was the blonde's turn to raise her eyebrows. And it takes Alex a total of 8.23 seconds, "Oh right, superpowers"

Kara let's out a giggle and Alex playfully glares at her.

"So how was work?" The puppy questions as she plops down, half on top of her older sister. Alex looks above Kara's head and sees the rest of the couch. There's enough space for 3 more people but apparently, to Kara, the couch isn't big enough for the both of them. She rolls her eyes and kisses her sister on her temple.

"Same old same old. I did prison and security checks. Maggie came by for lunch. And then I did the paperwork."

"Maggie? That detective?"

"Yep" she said popping the 'p' at the end.

"You said you didn't like her."

"I didn't say that" she denies

"Really? I recall the words 'An obnoxious moron who doesn't know how to stay out of anyone's business' and then other words I can't repeat"

"Well I was wrong. She's actually really nice" Alex says not meeting her sister's eyes.

Kara looks at her questioningly and wonders if her sister hit her head or had an accident while she was capturing a Fort Rozz escapee. It's very rare for her to admit she was wrong. But she doesn't say anything. She knew her sister. If she wanted to talk about something she would. She's never given Alex a reason to hide anything from her. Especially what happened the past several months. Surely Alex can trust her with whatever's bothering her if she can get past...that...

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