chapter 6

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During the whole lunch break me and Jimin where talking. I felt at ease talking to him. I felt like I knew him my whole life, but sadly we had to go back to class. We said goodbye and went our separate ways.
I sat at the farthest seat near the window like always. I took all my book out and while I was waiting for the teacher to come in through the door, I was look out the window thinking how my family died or who killed them or if I actually killed them. My whole memories were blank, which was making me more anxious.

"Taehyung." I turned around to someone calling my name breaking me from my thoughts only to find out Jungkook was the one calling me.

"umm.. yes? Do you need something?" I asked him looking down feeling awkward around him.

"I just came her to apologize about kiss." He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, don't worry about that, it was only an accident." I said while smiling at him.

" I said while smiling at him

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'Oml, his smile is so freaking cute.' I thought to myself.

How can someone be so cute. I never met someone as cute as him. I literally don't understand why everybody talks so negatively about him. I felt my face starting to burn by the sudden thoughts I was having.

'Control yourself Jungkook'

"Well is it ok if sit next to you." I said looking away not wanting him to see my tomato face.

He just nodded going back to looking out the window.

He just nodded going back to looking out the window

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While I was headed to my classroom door I saw jungkook and what was his name again Tae-Taehyung was it? It was kinda wierd knowing Jungkook dosn't normally talk to anybody.
I came out of my thoughts and sat at the only seat available and started looking around the classroom.
I saw the teacher come in and started teaching, I just looked around agian finding what can entertain me. When I turned my head to my left I saw Taehyung looking out the window I started to wonder what was he thinking about.

'Who really killed my parents, how did they die, why do people hate me so much, is it because of my eyes, did I really killed my family, why cant I remember anything. AM I REALLY A MONSTER'

'Shit, Yoongi you promised yourself not to ever do it again.'

"MIN YOONGI, is there something you can learn by just staring at Taehyung."

"No, sorry Mr. Baekhyung." I said looking down embarrassed of what I was doing.

"Well then pay attention." He said in a serious tone


I saw jungkook looking straight at me and then passed me a note.

|I know You read Taehyungs 

I looked back at him stunned.

Shit, how did he know? You probably have already noticed By now but yes I can read other people's minds

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Shit, how did he know? You probably have already noticed By now but yes I can read other people's minds.



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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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