chapter 5

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Yoongi p.o.v

"Did I offended him?" I thought.

"I-Im...." I was about to say something until he freed himself from my grip and ran off.

I started to feel bad, did I hurt his feeling, or did I just hit something I wasn't suppose to?
I mean, I actually didn't know how to feel Because he was just like me but different. I had a secret myself that only my closest friends knew about Because this one secret just brought misfortune in life.
I sat back down on the table I was previously sitting on and started to think of him.

"Hey yoongi." I looked up only to see one of my closest friends Jimin.

"Hey jimin."

"You look like you're consentraiting on something." He said curious.

"Oh, it's just this one kid." I said looking down.

"What kid." he asked

"This boy with orange hair."

"Oh, was he cute, I would like to meet him." He said smirking.

"...should i really answer that." I said looking up at him with an eyebrow raised.


"ugh, well he's not really my type but yeah lets say that he was cute." I looked away not really wanting to answer his stupid question.

"Oh really, now i'm really curious, Im gonna go and find him. Wish me luck."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." i said looking down while waving at him not really paying attention to him. When I started processing what he said I came back to my sences.

"wait...Wait what!!...for what!"

Jimin p.o.v

It was really unusual for yoongi to say that someone was cute so I started to look around for the guy yoongi was talking about. The only thing yoongi metioned about him was that he had orange hair so it couldn't be that hard to find him since mostly nobody had orange hair.
I went up the roof thinking that he could probably be there.
I open the metal door and there on a bench that was located at the middle saw a guy with orange hair sitting with his face facing up to the sky with his eyes close not noticing my presence.

I open the metal door and there on a bench that was located at the middle saw a guy with orange hair sitting with his face facing up to the sky with his eyes close not noticing my presence

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(imagine he's sitting on a bench)

Knowing that he didn't notice me gave me a great idea which made me giggle silently.
I walked up behind him silently and then...


"AAHHH!" He screamed while jumping up from where he was sitting.

"W-who are u." he said with a surprised look on his face.

I stared at him for a while and yup, yoongi was right, he was cute.
I looked up and down at him acknowledging every detail of him. When I looked up to his eyes it made me stop looking elsewhere. His eyes color were yellow which made me feel mesmerized. After noticing that I was staring to much I looked away and started to speek.

"...Oh..ummm... i'm Park Jimin, im new to this school, so nice to meet you, what's your name?"

"Im.....Taehyung..Kim Taehyung."he said looking down.

"Oh, what a pretty name for a pretty boy like you." I said pushing his chin up gently.

When I did that I saw his flushed face and his eyes turning pink.

"Wow." I said amazed.

"What?" he said confused.

"Oh, nothing..its just that you have really pretty eyes." I said to him looking straight to his eyes making eye contact with him.

He looks shocked at what I just said and looked away breaking the eye contact.

"What's wrong." I asked confused.

"Oh, It's just that nobody has ever said such thing to me, you're actually the first person who ever said that." he said looking back at me with emotional eye.

" he said looking back at me with emotional eye

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"Is that so, well Im glad im the first." I said smiling gently at him.

Then I suddenly started to feel this piercing sensation in my heart. Feeling the urge to make this boy mine.



I started putting pictures I like the way it can give an idea of what's going on (・ω・ノ)ノ

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