23-The Clearing Up

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"So you're serious about coming back to school with me?" Niall asks.

It's the next day, after Harry had punished Louis in the middle of the street. Louis still had a hot feeling to his tongue every time he remembers licking Harry's bulge.

Harry dropped Louis off at Niall's after he was sure Louis wouldn't cause any more trouble, and apologized for punishing him after he promised not to. Louis only responded with "it's okay." And mumbled a small 'daddy' that he thought Harry didn't catch.

Louis got a long talk from Ashton, and then apologized to Niall for overreacting. Point is, Louis learned his lesson. And this time, he only got a small punishment for something else, that he quite enjoyed.

"Yes, I'm pretty certain Niall. I told you, things are moderately good with me and Harry."

Niall suddenly remembers Harry and Louis' relationship, and remembers the issue of another student and teacher relationship.

"Sh*t dude. Did you hear about Mr. Payne?" Niall exclaims.

"Yeah. He wants me to finish the detention. I'm just gonna skip though." Louis responds nonchalantly.

"No, Lou he got arrested."

Louis looks up at Niall from his place on the floor where he is trying to fit some extremely tight jeans on. He knows Harry will just love them.

"Really? What for?"

"The thing with Zayn."

Louis gasps and stops struggling with his pants for a moment.

"They couldn't with- me and Harry right?" Louis worries.

"I don't know Lou. Have you guys done the dirty?"

"No!" Louis defends. "We... almost did. But we didn't."

"Too much info. But they were accusing Mr. Payne of having sex with a minor so if you didn't then I guess you'll be okay?"

"Right. Right." Louis mumbles to himself. "We'll be fine."

'Harry says we'll be fine, so we'll be fine. He's gonna handle everything.' Louis thinks to himself.

"You ready to go?" Niall says, snapping Louis out of his small worry infested daydream.

Louis looks up, smiling slightly at Niall before nodding.

Niall pats his back as he walks past Louis towards the exit of his room. Louis follows carefully, filled with worry about going back to school. Of course it was his choice to go, but he didn't know anything about Zayn and Liam's new drama.

Niall sends his mom a quick wave as he grabs a banana and walks out the door with Louis trailing behind. Louis can't stop thinking about what could happen between him and Mr. Styles. There's no way they could get in trouble for just kissing right? That's probably the most sexual thing they did.

"Ahem." Niall clears his throat, catching Louis' attention. "Spanking could be sexual depending on how you guys used it."

Louis blushes. Since when does he think out loud?

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