6-Telling Luke

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Louis walks home that day, with Niall by his side. He is quite embarrassed about everything that had previously happened and didn't mention anything about his second private time with Mr. Styles to Niall. Niall did notice that Louis looked bothered, but figured it was because of the events that occurred while he was in the room with them both.

The walk home is silent and awkward, but Niall doesn't do much to fix it because every time he tries talking to Louis, he seems to be dozed off and completely ignores Niall's existence. Louis does slightly notice the world around him as he approaches the front door. He notices an unfamiliar car in the driveway and looks to Niall for assistance as if he will know the answer.

Niall simply shrugs, confused as to why Louis didn't know the owner of the unfamiliar car. Louis shakes his head and unlocks the front door, interrupting what seemed to be a heated make out session between his brother and an unrecognizable boy with sand blonde wavy hair.

Luke gasps and pulls away from the yet unnamed boy, looking up at his younger brother from his place under the boy on the couch. His cheeks flush pink as he catches his breath, attempting to speak.

"H-hey Lou. Didn't know you were coming home so early. This is A-Ashton." The older boy stutters.

Louis cringes at the thought of what just occurred in front of him, and what it would have lead to if he hadn't of walked in.

"Yeah, okay then. I'm just gonna-" Louis walks toward the stairs awkwardly with Niall following behind him. "-Go." He finishes, running up the stairs.

Luke looks at his new love interest with a slight blush. "Sorry." He mumbles.

"'S alright Lukey, let's just watch some telly instead, yeah?" Ashton responds with a smile.

Luke looks down with a grin on his face, cuddling into the chest of the older boy. The latter coos in affection and plays with Luke's hair as they throw on a random channel of the TV.

Upstairs, Niall is laughing at his mortified friend for walking in on something he wasn't meant to walk into.

"That was actually pretty hot." Niall comments after finishing his chuckle.

Louis scoffs at him. "That's my brother you're talking about. Chill out."

"Yeah but-" Niall sits back with his arms behind his head in the office chair. He thinks back of the event that occurred only a few minutes before.

"Ugh. Could this day get any worse?" Louis groans, laying on his stomach on his bed.

"It wasn't that bad was it? At least you got some alone time with Mr. Sexy."

"Yeah, but how the h*ll am I supposed to get through the rest of the year like this? I'm supposed to have the control here. I have everybody wrapped around my finger except for this man." Louis sits up, looking at Niall so he can have a proper conversation with him.

"What man?" Luke asks from the doorway.

"Sh*t I didn't know you were there." Louis jumps.

"Hey, don't swear." The boy whose name he remembered as Ashton comments.

"You're not my dad." Louis scoffs.

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