17-The Moving Morning

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Louis spent his entire weekend planning outfits and asking Luke for advice on what he should wear. Luke was a bit surprised at first that Louis asked him in the first place, considering he wears what he wants and doesn't care about other people's opinions, because he has his curves and big bum to get him anything he needs.

Luke was told that Louis was moving in on Monday, so he agreed to help his little brother so he could spend time with him before he left for a week. It may seem ridiculous to want to spend time with someone just for leaving a week, but Louis had not been gone for so long in a while. He'd be at Niall's for a couple days at the most, but not a whole week. It was a change.

"Would this outfit work?" Louis asks as he holds up a pair of skin tight leggings with a sweater.

"Yeah, that should be fine." Luke replies. "You gonna wear a thong or something under it?"

Louis blushes. "Mr. Styles said to wear appropriate clothing."

"Since when do you listen to anybody?"

"I-I'm not, it's just that he's letting me into his home. I might as well do the least of what he asks."

Luke looks at him confused. Mr. Styles really is changing him. What could he possibly be doing that makes Louis listen after 4 years? Luke wants to know if he can learn his secrets.

"Right." Luke says suspiciously.

"It's true! Now are you gonna help or criticise?" Louis pouts.

"I'll help, I'll help." Luke defends with his hands up.


Louis wakes up late Monday morning. He's not used to being awake so early, so he can't help it if he sleeps in until 5:00 instead of 4:00 as he planned. After his alarm rang through his room for the fifth time, he finally realizes what he is supposed to be awake for.

"Sh*t." He curses under his breath as he rolls out from his sheets. He falls onto the ground as he rushes to get out of bed.

He has to get ready yet, and grab his clothes he packed for the next week.

He quickly finds some basketball shorts and a white tee from his closet, and throws it on before messily playing with his hair. After 5 minutes of tossing it to make it look decent enough, he hears a car beeping at the front of his house. He curses before putting on deodorant and running to the front door.

He catches Harry just before he knocks on the door. He jumps back in surprise of the man being right in front of him.

"I-uh- need like 5 minutes. You can come in." Louis says, opening his door wide for Harry to enter.

Harry only nods, and steps inside after Louis. Louis starts walking towards his room so Harry does the predictable thing and follows.

"You can sit there." Louis points to his unmade bed.

"Very messy isn't it?" Harry comments.

"Shut up it's like 4 in the morning, and I don't got time to deal with judgey remarks on my room." Louis sasses while bending over and applying ChapStick to his thin lips in the mirror.

Teacher Styles ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon