List of all Romantic Orientions

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Aromantic - Is someone who does not feel romantic attraction.

Arovague - Is someone whose status as an aromantic is uncertain or affected by mood.

Autochorisromantic/Aegoromantic - Is someone who enjoys the idea of romance, but not wishing to be a participant in romantic activities (based off of autochorissexual / a disconnection between oneself and a romantic target or fantasy).

Bellusromantic - Is someone who is fine with cute fluffy stuff with anyone but you don't want a relationship at all / not necessarily arospec identity, similar to nonamory. The prefix comes from the Italy "bella" meaning "pretty."

Biromantic - Is someone who enjoys behavior typically associated with dating and love, like cuddling, hugging, gift-giving, love notes, but probably not kissing, etc. and enjoys it with two sexes or genders.

Borearomantic - Is someone who has a set romantic orientation but with an exception.

Burstromantic - Is someone whose romantic attraction comes and goes but does not specify if it has a reason or not.

Caedromantic - Is someone who used to experience romantic attractions, but no longer does due to past trauma.

Cupioromantic - Is someone who is described as aromantic (people who never experience romantic attraction) who still desire a romantic relationship. Is a subset of aromantic.

Demiromantic - Is someone who only experiences romantic attraction after developing an emotional connection beforehand. Demiromantics do not experience primary romantic attraction, but they are capable of secondary romantic attraction.

Frayromantic - Is someone who experiences romantic attraction towards strangers and people you are less familiar with, which fades away when you get to know them more

Grayromantic - Is someone whose romantic orientation is somewhere between aromantic and romantic.

For example, a gray-romantic may:

Experience romantic attraction but not very often. But when so, it is usual strong attraction.

Experience romantic attraction, but not desire romantic relationships.

Also used as a catch-all for other non aromantic, non alloromantic/zedromantic orientations, like demiromantic and lithromantic.

Gyneromantic - Is someone who is romantically attracted to femininity, the female sex and female identifying/presenting people.

Heteroromantic - Is someone who is attracted to the oppostite sex or gender in a romantic way.

Homoromantic - Is someone who is attracted to the same sex or gender in a romantic way.

Hyperromantic - is someone who is extremely or excessively romantic.

Hyporomantic - Hypo is from Greek and means low. Quite the opposite of Hyper. And as Hyposexual mean low sex-drive, this is it's romantic synonym. Low romantic drive.

Idemromantic - Is someone who does not internally experience romantic and platonic attraction differently; they distinguish between romantic and platonic based on other factors. "Idem" means "the same" in Latin.

Idemromantic people categorize their interest in others as romantic instead of platonic based on age, personality compatibility, emotional closeness, ease of living together, presence of sexual attraction, or other factors. However, their feelings toward their romantic interests would not be particularly distinguishable from platonic feelings and may be similar to how they feel for a best friend or beloved family member. They may pursue platonic, quasiplatonic, romantic, or no relationships.

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