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welp here comes the bad guys

 I discovered during my research that there's multiple kinds of "phobias" and hate.

The most known "phobia" is of course, Homophobia. Homophobia is descrimination toward Homosexuality, that is often related to religious beliefs. It can cause stress over the youth if their parents and/or family have a Homophobic behaviour. Some suicides happens because of pressure and descrimination and/or the country made Homosexuality illegal.

Biphobia is simply Homophobia to Bisexuality. Bisexuals get the same "treatments" like Homosexuals, because being sexually attracted to the same gender is a sin.

Lesbiphobia/lesbophobia is Homophobia to Lesbians.

Transphobia is descrimination to the Transgenders and Transsexuality.
(Cissexism, by the way, is pretty much Transphobia)

Hetereosexism is descrimination to the opposite-sex sexuality relationships

Anti-Intersex is decriminating to Intersex people.

Genderism is a belief that there's only two genders and nothing else,

Binarism is descrination to Non-Binary people.

Queer phobia is decrimination towards all queers

So multiple kinds of descrimination and hate to Homosexuality and the rest of the community has been created during the time to erase the gays I guess. Of  course, all the defenitions I wrote above for the phobias is written in a very simplistic way, because these phobias has so much information! I simply wrote what the phobias basically are.

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