List of all Romantic Orientions

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As you can see below, there's tons of romantic orientations! In the last chapters I put few of them. I know if I add all of these romantic orientations, I think I might have too many chapters and I'll have to make another guide (Wattpad books are maximum 200 chapters, if I remember correctly). If you're part of any of these orientations and wish to see it in another chapter, please tell me and I'll do it right away! Thank you :)

Abroromantic - Is someone who experiences a fluid or rapidly changing romantic attraction to different gender expressions.

Acoromantic - Is someone whose negative experiences with romance has alienated them from their allo-romanticism.

Adfecturomantic/Affecturomantic/Adfectual/Adfomantic - Is someone whose romantic attraction is affected by their neurodivergency.

Alloromantic/Zedromantic - Is someone who experiences romantic attraction to other people. Also commonly just called a "romantic person."

Alterous - Is someone who can't be described as neither being (entirely/completely) platonic nor romantic, & is an attraction best described as wanting emotional closeness without necessarily being (at all or entirely) platonic &/or romantic, & is used in the place of -romantic or -platonic (so say bi-alterous instead of bi-romantic).

Someone can be both alterous & romantic &/or platonic & can have varying degrees on attraction, ultimately feel discomfort / unease / or just a sense of inaccuracy in calling it wholly romantic or platonic.

More examples:

Androalterous/Manalterous* - Alterous attraction to men and/or masculinity.

Gynealterous/ Womanalterous* - Alterous attraction to women and/or femininity.

Panalterous - Alterous attraction towards people regardless of sex and gender.

Polyalterous - Alterous attraction towards people of more than one multiple sexes and gender, yet not all.

Heteroalterous - Alterous attraction towards the opposite sex or gender.

Androromantic -Is someone who is romantically attracted to masculinity, the male sex and male identifying/presenting people.

Apathromantic (The root word being Apathy) - Is someone whose orientation form of "romance indifferent" which can also be used as a title. It does not distinguish if the person does or does not have romantic attraction, but just that they are indifferent in receiving it or acting it out.

Apothiroromantic - Is someone who (also known as anti-romantic, or romance repulsion) is an aromantic that does not experience any romantic attraction whatsoever, in any shape or form, and is romance-repulsed. They do not wish to be in any type of romantic relationship.

Apresromantic - Is someone who only experiences a romantic attraction after another form of attraction is felt. The original attraction may or may not fade/be replaced by the new attraction.

Aroflux - Is someone whose romantic orientation is on the aromantic spectrum & is defined as.....

someone who's romantic orientation fluctuates but always stays on the aro spectrum. (ex. one day you're demiro, another day lithro, the next aro, etc)

someone who's romantic orientation fluctuates from, experiencing romantic attraction, some romantic attraction, & experiencing no romantic attraction.

some people who are aroflux feel as if they are alloromantic at times, while other aroflux people don't feel that way. aroflux people can be romance repulsed, romance indifferent / neutral/apathetic towards romance, or romance positive. & can have any sexual orientation.

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