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Why am I always lovesick
Every year when it is May?
Like a little lilting limerick
It is difficult to say

Maybe it's the weather
Thunderstorms and lots of sun
Makes me more alone than ever
And attached to everyone

Could it be all the goodbyes
Sad thoughts of leaving friends behind?
Dripping makeup, teary eyes
That cause me heartache of some kind?

In my mind my mingling malice
Makes me momentarily high
In my soul I drink a chalice
Of love potion and its lie

When I listen to upbeat music
All I hear is sad love songs
My heart seems to confuse it
With the girl for whom I long

Right now I do not know this girl
Elusive as I know she is
But my mind does little twirls
As I think of her image

I don't know when we'll meet
Maybe it will be September
All I care is that she loves me
Just as much as I long for her

Unrequited Love for No One in ParticularWhere stories live. Discover now