Felicity looked much better than she had in the hospital. Her long blond hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, like always, and her she wore her glasses. In the dark, Oliver couldn't tell what color skirt she was wearing- but why did that matter anyway? Was he checking her out?

Looking nervous, Felicity quickly scurried up the stairs, shutting the door behind her.

Glancing at his phone, Oliver noticed it was past 7pm- he had slept over 24 hours! That was ridiculous. He must have really been tired. Then again, he was injured- and he hadn't been sleeping well.

Feeling much more refreshed, he decided it was time to play Oliver Queen. After changing into casual cloths, he walked upstairs- and was shocked at the scene in front of him. Thea was pacing while Roy stood in a corner, talking to a group of police officers. What was going on?

"Oliver!" Sara said, running over to him, "what's he deal with the three men "The Arrow" killed last night? In front of the club?" She hissed, clearly stressed.


"It's bad for business!" Thea exclaimed suddenly, to no one in particular. "The Arrow needs to fuck off." Oliver suddenly felt slightly guilty. Thea had been working diligently on Verdant, and leaving three intoxicated dead men in the entrance was probably not his best idea.

Opening his wallet, Oliver offered $300 to Detective Lance. "Make sure this doesn't get out." However, Detective Lance just looked at him. "Oliver, where have you been? It's been all over the news. Someone caught the whole thing on camera! The Arrow entered Verdant afterwards. We are temporarily closing it to the public- haven't you seen the news?"

The whole thing had been a setup. Wait- did anyone hear the men call him 'Oliver Queen'? Somehow, Oliver knew it had been Slade who had recorded the video- he should have been more careful.

Running his hand through his hair, Oliver swore under his breath. "Why would The Arrow enter Verdant?"

Detective Lance looked skeptical. "We believe it is because there is something crooked going on here. That is what he does- stops crime."

Oliver felt relieved- they didn't suspect him, but they did suspect that something crooked was going on in Verdant, and the whole place would be under surveillance.

"We are also going to need to take a look in the basement." Detective Lance said.

How would he get out of this one?


"Felicity, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Moira Queen asked stonily.

"May I speak with Oliver?" Asked Felicity, slightly nervous about the angry looking woman standing before her.

"He didn't come home last night." Said Moira coldly.

"Alrighty then." Felicity said in a high voice, clapping her hand together. Before she had the chance to say anything, the door was closed in her face. Moira just got friendlier and friendlier...

Nervously with nowhere to go, Felicity decided she would indeed sleep in a hotel tonight. It was around 9pm already, and she hoped they had rooms available.


"You're in room 238 ma'am, enjoy your stay." Said the man at the desk. Felicity thanked him and entered the elevator. According to her room key, she was on floor three. She pressed the button and awkwardly waited for the elevator to move. Cheesy music played in the background that made her instantly think other childhood.

Once she arrived in room 238, Felicity put her handbag next to the bed, and realized she had nothing with her. Sleeping in her underwear was definitely not on her "to do list", but at the moment, it seemed like her only option. Placing her glasses on the nightstand and pulling her hair down, Felicity thought about where Oliver was.

After she was undressed- besides her bra and underwear- Felicity turned on the news and snuggled under the covers.

"The Arrow was caught on video heading into Verdant, the popular club owned by the Queen family- after killing three men. What do you have to say about this Bruce?" Asked the female news caster, passing the mike to a guy named Bruce. "I'd say there is definitely something going on there." He replied.

Felicity sat upright and grabbed for her phone. She had to call Oliver! Just her luck, she had left it in the bathroom. Groaning, she got up and headed to the bathroom, feeling quite naked.

Luckily the phone was sitting on the sink right where she had left it. Grabbing it, Felicity quickly left the bathroom- almost slamming into a male figure. Before she could scream, a hand was over her mouth.

"Felicity, it me...what are you wearing?" Asked Oliver, sounding embarrassed. He released Felicity's mouth and quickly turned around.

She knew she was bright red, and having Oliver walk in on her half naked holding her phone was something that she had never imagined happening.

"Uh, what are you doing here? Besides walking in on me naked- uh I mean...excuse me." Felicity scurried to her end and wrapped the sheets around her; her face flaming.

Oliver was "hooded up" and standing in the middle of her hotel room. How did he even find her?

"We need to talk." He said, still not turning around.

You think?

"Yes. We do. But first, how did you find me?" Felicity asked.

"Sara tracked the charge made to your credit card. Then I used the signal from your phone to find out your room." Oliver said impatiently.

"You could have just called, and gone to a strip club." Felicity replied, still mortified about Oliver seeing her like this.

"Sorry about that," Oliver said quietly, "but I need your help. You saw the news?"

"Yes, we can figure that out in the morning." Felicity said, irritated. All she wanted to do was go to sleep.

"Alright, goodnight Felicity Smoak," said Oliver as he turned around, "sleep well." He finished, a small smile playing on his lips.

Why was he smiling?


After Oliver had left, Felicity found it quite hard to sleep. She knew that everyone would have to figure out a way to keep Oliver's secret and stop Slade. It was becoming an impossible task, and it made her brain hurt.


I didn't have time to proof read it, so I hope it flows well and makes sense. I have a broken finger- making it kind of hard to type lol. I break things a lot because of all the sports I play though... Anyways enjoy!

You Are My Girl (Olicity) - FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now