"Silence E'Yo, we are expecting company."

"What? Who? And why do you always know things before me?"

"People like us more." They all nod in union.


P'New and his team show up, and shortly after Ming and P'Forth. My angels tell them to order whatever I'm paying, they stare at me, then grab the menu and order like there's no tomorrow. Don't you know restraint??

As were eating the big talk begins, I didn't know we were here for a big talk. My angels know, so the team also know what happened, there all pissed.

"What a bitch Yo, she Pha's ex or what?" P'Din asks.

"No. They never dated." I say firmly.

I get pats on the head and sympathetic looks for that answer. Why are they all mean to me???

"I did a little digging and found out the post was made from the engineering department at your university." P'in is saying.

"Umm digging?" I ask

"P'In is my senior in IT I asked for his help." P'New replies.

"Well done on the bug New, I'm proud of you. But your attack was too weak, they will be up and running by tomorrow." P'In pats his juniors shoulder.

"So after finding out where, we checked who posted it. University systems need id and passwords to use." P'New continues.

"I gave New my old program to hack the library database."

"Isn't that bad?" I ask

"Only if you get caught. Don't worry N'Yo, we IT students do this all the time." Really they did?

"We got a student id. And umm with some help we found the person." Ming says

Ok what's wrong with him? Something is, he's avoiding looking at me.

"Ok so tell us the name, so we know who to go bitch slap." Monty's asking.

I'm getting a headache.

"The person whose id it was, she's in some of my classes. After some talking we found she let someone from our department use a computer to print, while she was logged in." P'Forth's saying.

"Ok tell us a name p. We will find them, we will bitch slap them and we will send you pictures."

Elephant seriously, you guys need to hold on all this violence. The teams all for this and my gangs planning who's taking what car after they finish eating.

"We found the person, and after a little 'talk' they spilled it all." P'Forth's saying.

"He was sent the video and told to do it; he got paid to make the profile and all the cash from the number selling as well." P'New continues.

"Just say the name." I snap

"You were right Yo, it was Pring."

"Her phone wasn't stolen, she got an upgrade and had her numbers transferred."

"We seriously need a girl in our group who can slap well girls for us." I reply.

"Bitch Yo, you think we won't??? Let's go." They all start moving.

"But it's going to be our word against hers, nothing more. Unfortunately she can play it off as a joke gone wrong." Ming adds.

"Well not any proof we can use. That guy's unreliable, he causes so much trouble, and no professor is going to take his word against the University Star." P'Forth's pissed.

I'm getting a bad feeling, he stopped from adding something more to that sentence.

It's annoying being right but unable to do anything, at least the she can't cry and say it's not me. Even if it's just us who know.

We all carry on eating, talking and my gangs going over plans for things they could do as a 'joke' with the team adding ideas and encouraging them.

The illegal doctors joins us, they eat happily when they hear I'm paying as well. What's wrong with them all? Did they starve themselves all day??

My angels tell P'Pha, who's pissed but seems a little sad. He doesn't like thinking badly of friends and was hoping she really didn't have something to do with it, P'Beam tells me when I ask. They had been friends and together a lot last year, being the university Moon and Star. I want to be understanding but she did caused trouble.

They all need to do something for class, but joined us to catch up and P'Pha wanted to make sure I was ok. He tells Ming to make sure and walk me to my room. He kisses my forehead, in front of them all before leaving, I'm grinning like an idiot.

Soon the team and my angels go off as well. Just me, P'New, Ming and P'Forth are left. Both the engineers are twiddling there thumbs and P'New looks worried.

"Ok, there all gone spit it out. What's got you 3 so freaked?" I ask calmly.

They all look at each other then there hands.

"Tell me right now!"

"Well you see Yo, when I was hacking the library database; um well you see someone saw us." P'New starts slowly.

"Omg who? How much trouble are you in?" I start panicking.

They did it to help me, what if they get in trouble with the university. Shit.

"It was a senior..." Ming whispers

"Stop with the suspense and tell me dam it."

"P'Bright." P'Forth finally says.

Oh shit. Is he telling the hazing team? What's going to happen???

"We had to tell him why." P'New adds

"When he found out it's to help you, he came with us. Everyone's scared of the senior hazing team for a reason Yo. His talk was very physical." Ming's says

"Ok, well he helped so he isn't going to say anything right? And why the particular interest to help me?" I ask suspiciously.

They look at each other and then their hands.

"What the hell is wrong with you?? Tell me. This atmosphere is worrying me more." I shout

"He knows your Mei's cousin so he helped us and said he won't tell anyone not even P'Arthit and keep it all quite so no one will be in trouble, he wants to take Mei out to dinner." Ming finishes in one breath.

Wait.. what??? What did the idiot just say??

Authors note

Guys this is the 30th chapter!! When I started this I didn't think I could write this many or people would read it.

Thank you all for your comments, your votes, adding the story to your lists and even following me. But mostly thank you for reading my story. It's overwhelming and humbling.

Just an advanced warning if I do something crazy in the future, it's not my fault!! They put ideas in my head! Points to: HanifTaf and beejornthefirst.

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