The Story of the Legend Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Amari pushed through the revolving door and ran up to Su Hyun, who was talking to a customer. He and the customer bowed their heads respectfully before the customer left to find his room. Amari nodded her head as she gave Su Hyun his jacket back. All the other employees were watching and whispering to their peers.

"Thanks for last night. Sorry I was too intoxicated to take myself home".

Su Hyun chuckled and took his jacket. "No problem. I figured you didn't want to wake up in a strange place, so I decided to take you home. It was no problem for me".

"Su Hyun was over her house at night?!" "Yeah, sounds like it, but for what? Did he spend the night?"

Both Amari and Su Hyun listened to the whispers.

"I have to get used to this somehow," Amari said, rubbing her ears as she started to feel a tingling sensation.

"Yeah, it will take some time to get used to. The main thing you must worry about is using them subconsciously. Make sure to keep in control, always".

Amari nodded her head. "I'll try. I mean I learned how to control my strength on my own, so my hearing and speed shouldn't be a problem".

"That's good to hear."

"Anyways, thanks for last night. I had fun with you and your family. Didn't think I would enjoy spending time with you". She said, grinning playfully.

Su Hyun feigned heartbreak. "I'll let you know that everyone enjoys my company, especially the women."

Amari chuckled at him. "You keep telling yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night". She patted him on the shoulder.

"If you want, I can help you train in controlling your abilities." He suggested to her.

Amari looked at him, thinking about it, before shrugging her shoulders and nodding her head. "It's better than just me teaching myself." She told him.

"Good, I will see you at my house, after work."

Amari nodded. "Certainly."

Amari then walked away to go and put her uniform on for work, before stopping by a couple of girls gossiping about the two of them. "It's not what you think. He and I did that usual boss-employee initiation tests he normally does with his employees and shared a drink with the rest of his family. There was nothing out of the ordinary going on". She told them, before walking away. The two girls looked at each confused. They had no idea what initiation she was talking about. They brushed it off as poor Korean language skills.

Arriving at the locker room, Amari came face to face with Ji-Su as she closed her locker shut and smirked at Amari.

"Looks like we are locker mates as well as colleagues." She told her.

Amari forced a smile on her face. "Great." She said sarcastically, trying not to make it evident that she wasn't all that pleased.

Why wasn't she pleased though? She had only met her last night. It's not like she had any negative feelings towards her. Amari shook it off and changed into her uniform.

All while at work, Amari felt as though she was being watched the entire time. She looked around and noticed nobody suspicious, but that feeling never went away. Amari tried her best to ignore it, but it kept gnawing at her.

At lunchtime, when she was able to relax as the feeling went away, in came Ji-Su with a grin on her face as she sat across from Amari. A wave of annoyance overwhelmed her.

"Enjoying your first day?" She asked Ji-Su. Amari might as well try to converse with her.

"I am. I never really thought I would, but even if I didn't, it wouldn't matter. Finding jobs is hard in this country".

Amari nodded in agreement. "That's for damn sure."

"I guess I was lucky enough to date Su Hyun." She said staring at Amari.

"Yeah, I guess," Amari tried not to sound irritated. "I'm glad you two were able to work things out."

"Me too. I would have never thought he would take me back. I had thought he no longer had feelings for me anymore. I guess I was wrong".

Amari nodded as she continued eating her food.

"Speaking of relationships, last night you were drunkenly speaking of an ex-boyfriend, Sung Ki, I believe it was."

Amari tensed up as she heard his name. "Yeah...?" She said.

"What happened with him?" She asked curiously. "If you don't mind me asking, of course."

Amari felt uncomfortable talking about it with her, but it was all in the past so that it couldn't hurt right?

"Yeah, he's an ex of mine. Our relationship was fine in the beginning, but then it got rocky and ended up being very toxic". She said, staring off as she remembered what happened.

Ji-Su was highly interested in her story. "What happened?" She asked.

"To this day, I still don't know why it became so toxic, but it started off with Sung Ki becoming very clingy and possessive of me." She told her.

"Hm," Ji-Su said indicating that she was listening.

"His clingiest started with him texting, calling, leaving 20 or so voicemails each day demanding to know where I was and why I haven't picked up his calls".

"Weirdo," Ji-Su said.

"Yeah, and it got worse to him demanding me; I can't speak to any other guys unless he's there. That included friends and coworkers. I told him that that was unacceptable. I can hang out with whomever I want. I told him he had no authority over me".

"That's right." Ji-Su nodded.

"That's when he got abusive."

"Asshole." Ji-Su frowned.

"He would punch me, kick me, knock me down, beat me up in all kinds of ways. It was that one time for me. I ended the relationship".

"You go girl."

"Sung Ki didn't like that, so he took out a knife from his pocket and attacked me. I blocked his attacks with my arm and got a knife jabbed in my arm. I grabbed him and threw him 30ft away from me, and I never saw him again after that. That was five years ago".

"Wow, you're so amazing, you threw him thirty feet away from you?! What amazing strength you have!" Ji-Su told Amari.

Amari smiled nervously and chuckled.

"Yeah, was born with it, actually."

"How lucky you are."

"I wouldn't say that. Had to keep it a secret for as long as I can, trying not to gain unwanted attention, but it is useful".

"I wish I had that," Ji-Su told her, smirking. "Super strength, huh? I wonder what other special abilities you have, Amari". She thought, grinning at her. "Mind if I test you on it?" She thought again. Ji-Su started digging through her phone and looking up Sung Ki and his whereabouts. Perhaps, he is dying to see his little Amari again. 

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