
Natsu engulfed his forearm in fire getting ready to tear the magic apart but at the last second he jumped out of the way. The former Lamia Scale member spoke in a condescending voice mocking Natsu. Natsu just ignored his comment and sent a stream of fire at the blue haired male. But he just deflected it with a wave of his hand.

"The pulsing energy that's coming from my hand diffuses all types of magic. Which means that none of your spells will work against me."

"So that's why my fire power couldn't destroy his barrier. I get it."

Natsu wiped the side of his jaw. This guy was starting to annoy him greatly. When a dragon couldn't catch or destroy its prey it mostly got swept up in a rage destroying all things around it. But with just having the magic of a dragon Natsu was just getting more irritated. The wizard put his hands to his sides as he continued to explain his magic.

"I specialized in anti-wizard magic while I was with the Lamia Scale guild. And I'm sure you can understand why. No matter how strong they might be, all wizards are powerless against me. Even you."

Two tone white magic circles came to the blue haired wizard's hands and he shot waves out at Natsu. To avoid them Natsu jumped into the air out of their reach.

With a growl Natsu launched himself at the wizard, fist coated in fire aiming to hit the wave user. But his fist was stopped by a blue wall of light. The waver user just exasperatedly told Natsu how he wouldn't be able to beat him.

But Natsu just grinned and pulled back a hand not coated in flames to punch through the blue wave. Natsu happy (?) he was able to force his hand inside but when it started to be filled with pain he kind of started to regret his actions.

The wave user just told Natsu that what he did was utterly stupid. Natsu just ignored his words and pushed his head and shoulders through the wave. At the blue haired wizard's shocked expression Natsu gave what looked like a Cheshire open mouthed grin showing all of his razor sharp teeth.

"You may be stuck in my wave but still can't use your flames in here."

"But I can still use them outside. And you just gave me a great idea."

Natsu's burn orange magic circle formed at his elbow making his fire spit out at that point. Yuka was shocked that Natsu thought of such an idea. The force of Natsu's punch hit Yuka and sent him flying threw/through the air like a leaf in the wind. Satisfied with his work Natsu gave a victorious smile when Toby's voice caught his attention.

"Man you're awesome."

"Well you're about to see just how awesome first hand."

Toby bragged how he was stronger than his teammate. His nails glowed. After glowing they got longer and turned a dark green in color. He then told Natsu that they were paralyzing claws. When Toby asked Natsu what they did Natsu answered the obvious.

"Paralysis you."

Toby looked shocked that Natsu knew the answer and asked if Natsu had ESP(extra sensory powers). Natsu just couldn't believe this guy.

'And people think I'm dumb? So this guy must be a special type of stupid.'

"No you're just real dumb."

Toby got mad that Natsu called him dumb and started to hack and slash at Natsu trying to paralysis him. But Natsu being leagues ahead of Toby in any kind of brain power just said one simple sentence and did one gesture. He lifted his hand to his forehead and told Toby he had something there.

Legend Of The Ice DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now