| Ending ~ A Hunger Games Based Oneshot |

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Hipster Death is bilingual in this btw-

Geno eventually learns this language he speaks-


The two monsters sat together on the train. One leaning against the other. Both were exhausted, but both refused to fall into the depths of sleep. Both were nervous, their souls pounding.

The two were chosen to play a game. A game of blood and murder. A game where only one can remain.


A game called the Hunger Games.


Geno's POV

I stood straight, a tough look on my face. I pinched my arm, hoping this was all just a dream. A nightmare.

30... 29... 28...

I glanced towards Reaper's direction, who was shaking his head.

Why? Was it because he knew none of us would survive?

I growled quietly at him, then glanced forward.

20... 19... 18...

Maybe he was telling me to not go forward to the Cornucopia? That would make sense.

I prodded at my sleeves, a sweat trickling down my neck.

10... 9... 8...

"This is it," I whispered to myself.

5... 4... 3...

"I know I won't be missed."


I avoided the leaves
below my feet as I walked through the forest. The air was chilly and there were leaves scattered around.

Going outside the borders was considered illegal, but who cares?

I raised my bow, spotting a lone deer. Funny how the animals haven't started to move out yet.

I released my grip, watching the once healthy and alive deer fall down, an arrow pierced into its neck.

I hurried closer to it, kneeling down and taking the arrow out.


I sprinted forward to no where in general. I reached for the nearest pack and bolted it, running as fast as my feet could carry me. I ran until I couldn't hear the sound of fighting.

I slowed down until I was at a steady pace. I walked towards the stump of a log and sat down, placing the pack onto the wood.

I opened the dark green pack, pulling out a half empty canteen and some pieces of dry fruit. Better than nothing.

I tucked the items back into the bag, putting it back on. I didn't know where I should head, but finding a secluded area with a suitable place for a quick base would probably be my best bet.

I wished I grabbed a bow on my way here...

I growled quietly to myself. Great.

I'm in the Hunger Games. I have food and water. The food and water will not last forever. I have no weapons. All I have is my bag.

I continued to walk until I found myself in a clearing. I gagged at the sight. I made a complete circle. I found myself at the Cornucopia.

Blood scattered across the area, the red substance leaving a distinct smell around the area. You couldn't step anywhere without feeling the ground squish with the blood of the people who died here. I spotted a knife and picked it up, wiping the crimson off of it.


I laughed as Reaper threw a knife at the target, completely missing it.

We were spending a lot of time here since Reaper could barely aim. How the hell does he miss that bad..? Maybe he was just faking for my amusement.

"Cheer up, love," Reaper said out of the blue.

I blushed. "L-love?!"

Reaper soon realized what he said and blushed as well. But he soon teleported to me, pulling us both into a dramatic pose.

"Vous ne comprendrez jamais comment je me sens, mon amour~" He said. (Please correct my French if it is wrong)

"Speak English, please," I replied playfully, chuckling.

He laughed as well, pulling me up so we were standing.

"What next, Geno~?"


I scavenged anything I needed, threw it into my pack, and booked it. My footsteps were almost nonexistent as I travelled again. I've been lucky so far, not encountering anyone.

I got my canteen out and drank from it in small sips. I kept walking until I found a stream. Is this water considered clean..?

I screeched as someone tackled me to the ground, a knife to my throat. My eyes widened in terror as I tried to escape.

"Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici, doux Geno?" (Please correct me if I'm wrong-)

I recognized his voice and stopped struggling. I still trusted him. Even if I died by his hand, it would be better than dying to a complete stranger.

Reaper pulled me into a kiss.

I knew the cameras were watching, but I didn't care. I melted into the kiss, my face must've resembled a tomato.

Several cannon fires were heard, causing us to both jump in surprise.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

The two victors embraced each other in a hug. Tears were in their eyes.

This was it.

This was the end.

"Je vous vois de l'autre côté, mon amour." One of them had said.

"L'histoire de personne ne se termine pas par une fin heureuse." The heavily wounded one said.

Two gunshots were heard, and dust scattered the area.

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