|ChApTeR tHiRtY SiX| Saving Her (9K Reads)

Start from the beginning

There's a fire inside every one of you. Set her soul on fire with your own, and like a phoenix, she will rise from the ashes and lift others who have fallen.

You need her. You need a protector, not a guide. That's what she is. So get her back. No matter what it takes. 

Maybe one day...one day I'll be able to speak to you.

  Good luck, my dear Italy.

Ich...Ich liebe- 


W-Wait! Please, answer me.

Don't...leave me....



He grabbed me by the wrists.

His lips were moving.




I couldn't remember what exactly happened.

Or what he was going to do to me.

But it wasn't good. He wasn't good.

All I heard in my ears were those three words.

And all I recalled were the sticky tears dribbling down my cheeks.


I'm so sorry...


>SoRRY, bUt ShE's nOt HeRe.<

"Wh-What...are you doing to her?!"

>JuSt sHoWiNg HeR ThE tRuTh. ThAt sHe iS UnWaNtED. uSeLeSS.<

The girl grabbed (Name) by the shoulders and giggled maniacally. She pursed her lips and blew. The inky shadows formed into a knife, and the puff of air from her mouth ignited. Flames of a scarlet fire licked and lashed at her weapon, adding heat to the coldness of the shadows to create the knife.

Knives were very similar to swords, but different at the same time. Knives are used for cutting and craving, while swords are primarily used for combat, defensively or offensively. Knives are short ranged weapons, and swords usually have long ranges. The only similarity would have to be that they both have, when used correctly, the same amount of deadliness and danger.

It didn't help when the girl smiled a smile so revolting that I flinched. She was still a shadow, yes, but that doesn't mean she wasn't a frightening, gruesome thing to look at. The demon's eyes were wide, a hollow void of pitch-black that lacked emotion and bled viciousness into her sickening features.

I admired (Name). Her body could be as brittle as a cracker and she could look like her soul got sucked out of her entire being, yet she would always stand tall. And fight.

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now