Its notnwhat it looks like pt2

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Ethan pov

"Wtf why are you hear how do you know were i live?" i whisper was my ex "What do you mean babe" "Jessica (srry if dats anyones name ;D) i told you we are over i told you this 6 months ago!" "Awww babe what are you talking about you left me in a dump!" "Jessica are you drunk or high?" "Hehehe what are you gonna do if i am are you gonna punish me?" "hell no i have a girlfriend jessie and i lover her so much she means the world to me and-" I was cut off by jessica smashing her lips into mine "W-What the hell ethan" i heard someone say i pushed jessica off me seeing emma  with ters falling out of her eyes "E-emma its its not what it looks like!" "Y-your cheating on me?" "W-what i would​ never i-i love you too much!" "yeah sure" She said huffing dropping something walking back inside slamming the door behind her i watched as my world crumbled i fell to my knees looking down "S-shes gonna leave me i-i just know it" "She should she looks ugly and man shes fat i cant believe you are dating that pig" "Shut up you have no right to talk about her just look at yourself!"

Emma pov

i stoop outside the door hearing  what she said and she was right i was fat (She is really self concise​ disappointed in my self)I began to walk to my room closing the door playing  my mix of emo bands (mcr,top,fob,and p!atd) i pulled out my drawing pad sketching a wolf  i had my head phones in so my focus was on my sketch when there was a tap on my head i pulled out a head phone "I really dont want to talk to anyone" "O your going to talk to me wether you like it or not!" "Listen i-" i looked up seeing mark (I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST MERK REMEMBER)"m-mark what do you want?" "It's simple really i want you" "Mark edward fishbach i repeat i do not like you like that not only that but you hurt jack he really liked you mark and you made a fool of him at pax!" "First off emma you will never use my full name again and second off jack is a wimp and nobody  will ever love him!" "Thats were your wrong mark a lot of people love jack and if anybody on youtube meat you in real life you would never have a youtube life!" "You see i know more then your pritty little head does and i always will jack would be nothing without me" "No mark he would be somthing because even if he didnt know you he would be pritty well known for his loudness now mark leave!" i said standing up looking mark in the eyes "You know your really turning me on" he wisperd in my ear i just growled pushing him away "Mark leave my room right know!"

.....Soo um im sorry i have not updated in a wile i finnaly got my laptop to work so dis is awesome im gonna try to update as much as possibal But anyways I love you all stay cranky BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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