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                                                                              Emma pov

He let go and i walked away and went to cash my stuff out and leave as i walked to the car and put evrething into the back of the car i went and put the cart back getting picked up "HEY LET ME GO!" I screamd wiggaling around i was brought to my car and put into it when someone got in on the other side "Drive!" i looked over to see clay "NO!" i screamd crossing my arms looking away when a sharp slap hit my face i started to get ready to drive not paying atention speeding when a cop pulled me over.i fealt a cold thing touch my back "Dont say anything or i will blow your back out" "Ok.." i said shaking."Licence and registraton please" he said i grabed my things and handead them to him he looked at me then clay "mam are you ok?" he asked i shooke my head yes lip sinking no he gave me a look mam can you step out of the car i unbuckled my seat bealt the cold metil hit my back evan harder i sloley got out of the car as clay tooking the gun away from my back i heard a click i stiffen and exit the car he pulles me over to his car "Mam are you ok?" he asked i looked over at the car clay was on his phone "Uhh h-he uhh was hoding me at gun point making me drive." "Did he do that he asked pointing to the mark on my neck yet again i was blushing  "N-no that would be from my boyfriend....." i said looking down  "Ok mam if you could just get in the car" he said looking me dead in the eyes when ther was a noise and i woke up in ethans arms "Emma are you ok you were crying in your sleep" ethan said holding me i huged him "Emma you ok" he wisperd in my ear i just huged him sobing into his shoulder "I-i had a b-bad dream a-about my ex holding me at gun p-point" i said sobing into his shoulder he huged me tightly "Its ok i got you i promis i wont let anyone hurt you!" i huged him tight i was so happy that ethan was there i got off him and i was in the car i looked at him he looked down "no ethan pleas no!" "im sorry" he said looking down i huged him tight "Wanna make some cookies?" "Hell yeah!" he said i giggled and grabed the things i needed "so i got chocolate for jack and sugar you you dan and phil" "what about you?" "ima probubly make 1 bach each for me and evreone gets there own bach" I said grabing the bag brining them in.Being greeted by jack dan and phil with hugs and are you oks "Im ok i promis.I got stuff to make cookies" i said smilling puting smiles one everybody elses faces

                                                            Time skip to when all cookies are done  

"How you guys likeing da cookies?" is aid smilling getting ready to eat a choclate chip cookie When jack scream "MY COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he said smacking phils hand away "hehehe hear phil" i said handing him my cookie he smile eating it so i handed one to bothe dan and ethan giving jack a sugar cookie."Ok im going to bed" i said grabing spirit and heading to my room giving him half of a sugar cookie.I walked in to feel freezing and see my window open i closed it and went to bed i had pax twomarrow  "Maby i will take you to pax twmarrow spirit"I said as he liked my face i soon feal asleep falling into a deep dark who i heard a deep voice almost like............marks my eyes shot open relising that ethan had brought me to his room along with spirit i looked up to see a big floof of blue no wait dark green hair?

 hehehe sorry about yesterday i umm did not have anytime to do it so i made thins one about 700 words hope you guy enjoyed the chapter thanks for 114 reads it just means a lot to me i know ot much but it still makes me feel really happy about this and what is happining in my life it just makes me happy as of now my youtube channel i have 129 subs it just blows my mind that ssomeone like me has this yeah i know not much but it means a lot to me anyways i love you all stay cranky byeee =3

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