Rick: "There are just three questions I need to ask you. The first one is how many walkers have you killed?"

Bethany: "I have killed 14 walkers in total. But my siblings helped me as well."

Rick: "How much supplies to do you have?"

Bethany: "We have a ton of food and water bottles. Each of us have weapons and ammo. I have some swiss-army knives and some rope. I have some soap and shampoo & Conditioner."

Rick: "Finally, how many people are in your group."

Bethany: "Just four of us. I'm 14. I have a brother that is 12, a sister that is 11, and my dad who is I believe 38. There would be five of us but I had to stab my mom..." I felt the tears in my eyes and tried to fight them off. "There was a walker in her bedroom and had eaten most of her middle area there was no way for me to save her and she told me to do it..."

When I was in the middle of saying that I saw a boy who was standing in a line behind Rick go pale.

Rick: "I'm, I'm sorry you had to do that... Do you mind if I meet your siblings and your dad?"

Bethany: "I will go get them." I ran down back to the car. "I think we have a real shot of getting in here but the leader wants to meet you guys lets go." We all climb out of the car and more than a few walkers surrounded the car. I took a few of them out and Maddie shot a few of them directly in the eye or forehead. She never misses her shot. I saw Jack throw his knife at one and it landed right in the head. Jack went and pulled it out and continued. I heard a couple gun shots from Dad's riffle. We killed them all and jogged up the hill to meet Rick and the others. I stood in the middle and we all smiled panting and sweating. Rick suddenly got a worried look on his face. I took my bat and swung it backwards behind my head. I heard the walker fall to the ground.

Rick: "You guys seem like a nice group and are pretty impressive especially you Bethany."

Bethany: "It is all of the anger and sadness from my life and put into this to make myself stronger."

Rick: "Well then lets get your stuff and show you to your cells."

Bethany: "Oh thank you Rick so very much. I'm so glad I don't have to drive for another minute."

Rick: "Wait. You drove here all the way here from Massachusetts?"

Bethany: "Well I only drove when the sun was up my dad took the night shift. I had to drive myself to rescue my dad from his factory where he worked."

Rick: "Wow I have never seen a 14 year old who can drive as well as you!"

Bethany: "Wow thanks!" We made it to the car and I grab my duffel bag and a couple of the plasic bags. Dad grabs his bag, Jack grabbed his and the rest of the plasic bags, and Maddie grabbed her duffel bag and followed us in.

Rick: "Here, you will be staying in C-Block with our group. Beth and your sister can share and your brother and your dad can share the other."

Everyone now comes into the kitchen area.

Bethany: "Where would you like me to unpack the food?"

Rick: "Just on one of the tables is fine we can all see what you guys have."

I started unpacking the plasic bags first.

I took one of the plastic bags and unpacked it. There were some packs of cookies and the gummi bears in this one. In the next one there was the gum and mints, the sweedish fish, and some more of the energy bars.

I unpacked a few more of the bags and the rest were just full of waterbottles.

Bethany: "I've got some more in my duffel bag too."

I ran to my cell and grabbed my bag. I took out the big baggie, and the boxes or cereal and the box of granola bars.

Rick: "Wow" he said as I unpacked the rest of the water bottles and put them on the table.

Bethany: "This is all of the food we have is this enough?"

Rick: "More than enough thanks guys!"

Bethany: "Glad we could help!" I start to bring my duffel bag back to my cell when the boy who went pale earlier walked past me.

Boy: "Yeah Very Impressive.." he said with an attitude.

Bethany: "um. Thanks?" he turned around and gave me an angry look and turned back around. He walked away while I was still trying to process what just happened. This was an opprotunity to make friends during the zombie apocalypse I should take this offer. I ran after the boy to catch up with him.

Bethany: "Wait? Shouldn't we take this opprotunity to become friends? I mean u must had been very lonely before I came here just hanging out with adults all of the time."

Boy: "Yeah you do have a point...My name is Carl." he put his arm out to shake my hand. I took it and shook it. At that moment Jack and Maddie came over.

Bethany: "Carl, these are my siblings Jack and Maddie."

Jack: "Nice to meet you." and shook Carl's hand. Maddie didn't say anything she just smiled at him and shook his hand.

Bethany: "Well I am going to go meet all of the adults and see what has been going on. I'll be back soon."

Maddie: "Okay" she said as I kissed the top of her head.

Carl: "Why I don't show you guys around like give you a tour?"

Jack: "Okay."


That is the end of the Chapter guys! Do you like shorter chapters or longer chapters? Let me know in the comments! Also, don't forget to vote!

Bye Guys!!!


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