"Did she talk to Cedric while I was in the cells?" I ask slowly.

"Are you saying she talked to Cedric and didn't tell him you were in the cells?" His eyes widen and he growls loud enough to shake the walls.

"Whoa! Calm down, Grizzly. We're still on another's pack land." I cover his mouth while Mindy jumps towards him to calm him down.

"What's wrong?" Mindy's eyes widen when she has difficulty calming him.

"A girl from our pack had Cami locked up when she somehow found out Cami would be Alpha Aidan's mate. She told everybody Cami had rabies and knew of a way to save her. The pack had beaten Cami to near death believing she would heal the rabies when her body heals. Nobody could get a hold of Aidan or Cedric during that time. Now we are learning her cousin had been talking to Cedric and partying while Cami had been locked up."

"Locus?" Her already large eyes grow larger. "I'm so sorry, Cami."

She lets me cry on her shoulder while she tries to calm down Adam. She asks if Aidan knows. Adam and I say he has the connection blocked. I look at Adam knowing he must have tried to tell Aidan. He must be on a mission. He has been going on them more often and keeping his mind blocked from distractions. I only get to talk to him for a few minutes each day.

Ten minutes pass with us still in the same position. Mindy passes me my phone when a text message comes through. I read it and show them the message. Locus has just noticed I wasn't with them. She figures I'm sleeping when I don't answer back.

"I'm going to wash up for bed." I tell them before grabbing my things and using Mindy's bathroom to wash up.

Every room, besides the Alpha and Beta rooms, is built like a small studio apartment or a large dorm room. There are two beds in every room with a small kitchen area, a desk, a couch, and a personal bathroom. It will be easy to stay in the room for the remaining 'vacation'. School and back. Should be so much fun. Yaay.

I pull at my hair and pace, which is basically walking a small circle on the cold bathroom tile. I finally exit the restroom when I feel slightly calmer. Adam narrows his eyes on me trying to ascertain if I'm okay.

"You received another message." Mindy says with sympathy.

"Thanks." I walk to the extra bed and grab my phone while sitting down.

I look at the screen confused when I don't recognize the number. I gasp when I open the message showing a link to a live video of Aidan in the cells. Adam grabs the phone when I drop it. I hear him say Locus' name, thinking the message is from her, but he too nearly drops the phone when he sees the video.

"This wouldn't have happened if you just mated with me, Aidan." Maisy stands in front of Aidan's cell.

"I will never mate you." Aidan says deeply. "Cami, is and will always be my mate."

"His wolf." Adam tells me.

"She's not a good Luna for you Aidan. As we had established before, her own cousin turned her back on her when she was locked away. The pack members disrespect her for taking you from their true Luna. She's trying to take you from me." She growls.

"We were never going to be mated. You were my brother's girlfriend. You were supposed to be his mate, not mine. You're like a sister to me and that's the only reason I had let you get away with so much. You're a fake and I didn't trust you."

"Is that why you've had Maven and Chuck following me?" She narrows her eyes.

"Of course. Do you really think I believed your story about being abused and raped? Even though I rejected you, it did not mean I could no longer feel through the slight bond we still shared. All of those times you had sex, you enjoyed it. You were never tortured. You were with the rogues willingly." He looks at her with disgust. "The only reason you came back is because you felt my love for Cami. You decided you wanted the Luna position and you weren't going to let anybody take it away from you."

"Nobody gets what's mine." She says through another growl. "If you knew, why keep me around or why send that man-stealer away? You knew I was going to try to seduce you."

"Yes, I knew. Cami has already been through so much. I didn't want her to have to deal with something else. I kept you here because I hoped you would have led me to my brother. I know he's still alive." There are whispers coming from the other cells as he says it.

"Do you hear that?" Adam asks.

"The others are surprised his brother is still alive." I answer.

"No. Listen." He hushes us and we listen to the background chatter until it stops.

"Somebody is having sex." Mindy and I say simultaneously.

"Cedric. Beta Cedric is having sex." He says angrily and we hear a female voice pleasurably calling out Cedric's name.

"Enough. He's not going to break easily like the others." A new, almost demonic voice, speaks over the moans. My hands shake when a man walks into the view of the camera, but all we can see is the back of his graying hair. "Give me a moment and I'll find his weakness. You'll have your mate."

"So, Alpha. How does it feel having a mate stronger than you?"

"The Dark." Adam cries out when we see the dark soulless eyes of the man before the video ends.

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