Until Chris came. I was less bothered by his coldness. I cared less when and how he would look at me.

"I don't like that girl. I think I've told you numerous times, but I cannot imagine her as my daughter in law," Mary sighs unhappily before looking at me with her eyes begging silently.

Almost a year ago, Ethane decided to settle down. After dating several girls, having numerous one-night stands- not that his mother is aware of all them- he stopped being reckless and started dating Lorena. Lorena Winslet is a fashion model who has been also considered as an actor. She's an absolute beauty. No wonder she has managed to capture his attention gravely.

Who Am I kidding? I still care about what he thinks. It's not just the matter of friendship or the fact that I spent my whole childhood looking up to him. It's the matter of attraction.

Enough with this thought! I snap at myself. I have Chris now!

"I'm sure everything will be alright," I respond to Mary's concern. I would be lying if I say Lorena's presence doesn't bother me. She's not good for him. Mary is right. But we can't force our opinion when love speaks louder.

"Mary Kingstone, I haven't seen you in a while." A woman in white approaches us. She hugs Mary before acknowledging me. Yeah, I guess standing next to one of the most influenced and richest woman in this party, I may as well go unnoticed.

My father's business has never been as successful as theirs has, and days pass with our company never getting the needed attention. David Campbell, my father, who has been struggling to keep the name Campbell Production on the top of his gates, has never been able to achieve their success. One reason is the lack of finical support. Producing three movies at the time is his maximum, but even with that, he has managed to make the most memorable movies that have achieved more, spiritually. Or so, I try to tell him. It's his dream, his reputation, to keep the business going.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn, I'll be back," Mary says as she follows her friend.

Turning back to the open bar, I order another drink as I take my phone out and check my emails, waste some time on the gossip they have written about me until my drink comes.

"One Scotch, please," a familiar muscular voice, sounds next to me. I snap my eyes toward the person only to find Ethan standing next to me so peacefully. I observe his facial features as he keeps ignoring me. Sharp jawline, jet black hair that has been ruffled with a hand when a strand of hair is refusing to stand up like the rest of his perfectly shaped hair. His lips are full and pink.

"Hello Ethan," I murmur, still observing him.

He takes his time to turn toward me and smiles tightly.

"Hello, Evelyn," he acknowledges before taking his drink from the bartender and look at me one more time and takes his leave,

My heart stops at the way he calls my name. God, what is wrong with me? I'm twenty-four, not a teenager at the peak of her hormones. I have a boyfriend whom I am very happy and in love with. Then why do I react so vividly to him?

Exploring the party further with my final drink in hand, I hope to find Chris and ask him to take us away.

"Oh, and you know what? Their team is a lot better than ours. Like how are we supposed to beat them!" my sister's voice, Jessie can be heard from miles away talking about her sports team and competition again.

Turning the corner, I find Jessie standing next to Chris, who only nods to whatever she has to say. Smiling, I make my way toward them.

"Hey, you two fellows," I announce as I walk closer to them. At my sight, a wave of relief washed over Chris' face. He opens his arm for me to join his side. I gladly take the invitation and slide right next to him.

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