I » overthinking

Start from the beginning

"Ready," I smiled as I walked towards Calum. "How flamboyant," He said with a wink as I laughed.

I hopped into Calum's car and was quick to turn on the radio. I turned to 105.7 the rock station and smiled to myself as Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day came on. It definitely one of my favorites by them. I saw Calum smile as well as he turned up the volume a little bit.

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me... My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating..." Calum hummed quietly. "Do you sing?" I questioned. "No.. Well.. Yes.. Well.. No.." He stammered. "Uh wait what?" I asked with confusion written all across my face. "Well.. Um.. I sing, to myself. When I'm alone. I'd like to think I'm an alright singer." He shrugged with a shy smile. "You're more than alright. I really like your voice. It's... Soothing." I said as he shot me a goofy smile. "Can I hear you sing more? Maybe louder?" I asked, genuinely interested. "Uh, well I mean, I write songs. They're not very good but I could sing one to you?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road. I smiled, a big smile, and nodded turning off the radio.

"Even when the sky is falling down,

Even when the earth is crumbling around my feet,

Even when we try to say goodbye, and you can cut the tension with a knife in here,

'Cause I know what'll happen,

If we get through this,

And if the earth ends up crumbling to down to it's knees then baby,

We just gotta get out, We just gotta get out.

Gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out,

And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around then baby,

We just gotta get out, We just gotta get out.

But I feel so damn lost,

And it comes with a cost,

Of being alone,

Everything is falling down,

We're suffering,

Helpless thoughts,

And out we sing,

Prayers go to the sky,

And if the earth ends up crumbling to down to it's knees then baby,

We just gotta get out, We just gotta get out.

Gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out,

And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around then baby,

We just gotta get out, We just gotta get out.

And if we fall,

It's not your fault,

Shadows covering,

Our selfish foes,

And as our love,

Can go out on a high note,

Even when the sky is falling down,

Even when the earth is crumbling 'round my feet,

Around my feet,

And if the earth ends up crumbling to down to it's knees then baby,

We just gotta get out, We just gotta get out.

Gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out,

And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around then baby,

We just gotta get out, We just gotta get out.

And if the earth ends up crumbling to down to it's knees then baby,

We just gotta get out, We just gotta get out."

"You wrote that?!" I asked, overwhelmed. "Yeah.." He said and let out a laugh. "Holy shit, you're so talented! And your voice is amazing!" I complimented. "Thanks, you're the only person who has heard it." He sighed. "Well, it shouldn't stay that way. That was a gorgeous song." I reassured. He smiled widely as he put the car in park.

"We're here."

We walked into Denny's as Calum looked around for his friends. Which, in retrospect, I should've who they were. I saw Ashton wave and we walked over to them. In the booth were sat Michael, Ashton and Luke. "Who invited her?" Luke groaned as I narrowed my eyebrows at him, as I scoffed. "Asshole." I muttered, but everyone heard. Ashton looked between us, obviously confused. "What..? Have you two met?" Ashton asked in a puzzled state. "Yes, and I don't like him." I said taking a seat next to Michael. "Elevator boy!" I exclaimed giving Michael a side hug. "Michael, I still like your hair." I smiled. "Ella, I still like your hair aswell." He smiled returning the hug. "Wait... Im still confused, what did Luke do?" Ashton asked. "He was very rude and very perverted." I said as I watched him roll his eyes. "In my defense, you were being annoying." Luke said. "I did nothing! I was being so nice, if anyone was being annoying it was you." I said as he rolled his eyes, once again.

"Stop doing that?" I demanded as I heard him groan. "What?" He spat. "Rolling your eyes. Stop it. It's annoying." I said as he answered with a 'fuck off'.

"Anyways..." Ashton said awkwardly. "So, I heard we all go to the same Uni. Or, atleast Calum, Ashton and I." I said. "Oh yeah! University of Adelaide. Calum told me! He also told me you assigned us as your tour guides?" Ashton said laughing. An adorable laugh too. It was somewhere between a giggle and a 9 year old girls laugh. "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind." I answered with a smile. "I go there too." Michael exclaimed. "Yay! Elevator Boy you can show me around as well. Incidentally, I really like the nickname Elevator Boy." I laughed and he did aswell. He added how Luke also attented the university, too which I groaned, as he flipped me off.

☠ ☠ ☠

"Here," I said pulling out fifteen dollars to pay for my meal and leave tip. I handed them to Calum as he rejected it. "I invited you, I pay." Calum said as Michael asked if Calum would pay for his meal too. Calum declined explaining how he hadn't invited Michael so it wasn't his duty to pay for Michael. "No, but let me pay." I insisted. "No." Calum said putting his money in the receipt booklet. "Yes," I said throwing my money at him. He looked up at me, and burst into laughter. "It's not funny, take my money!" I protested as he handed the money back. He handed the money to the waitress and I told her to take my money too but Calum stopped her. "No, well, I'm paying for something that's yours, later." I said, "Later." He confirmed.

Calum drove me home, whilst humming a long to the radio. His voice truly is beautiful. I got home and upacked some more. I put the posters up all over my room and some artwork in the living room, just to feel fancy. Although the artwork itself was very pretty.

☠ ☠ ☠

I woke up to a loud pounding on my door. I groaned walking to entrance of my apartment opening the door. "You have to fill out these papers, like right now, and give them to me because they're about the apartment. It's not completely your property yet, you know? Also there's this rose out here, I don't know." Said the apartment clerk as I nodded and thanked him.

Written on the rose was;

'I still can't get over the fact you would ever press a blade to your skin.

Also, I decided not be so completely anonymous, so you can write back, just leave it in the mailbox number 43.'

☠ ☠ ☠

author's note

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii okay okay so so yeah changed the girl who played Ella oooOoOOO

Okay comment and vote please :)

And um um youre all immensely cute


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