prologue ☠

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warning: may be triggering (probably not). contains; self harm, suicide, depression, anxiety. if any of you are dealing with any of the things listed above please please inbox me, or ask for my imessage or kik. and if you know anyone who is feel free to dm me for any advice, or if you just want to talk about it. reminder: i love you lots and you are worth it.

but also the lower case in the title is intended :) xo

"Here are your keys Miss McVey, I hope you enjoy living here." The desk clerk in the complex said. "Thank you," I said with a smile taking the keys in my hands. He nodded and kept typing on his computer.

I walked into the elevator, carrying my last bag of possessions to my apartment. I threw my head back, on the elevator wall and sighed in relief. I could finally forget my drunk father, my self centered mother, and my asshole brother, and I could finally be happy. Hopefully.

"Hi," I smiled looking at the guy to my right. He was about my age, maybe a little older. He smiled slightly, and pressed floor 8 on the elevator buttons. "I'm Ella." I said still smiling. "Michael." He answered nonchalantly, running his hand through his galaxy colored hair. "I like your hair," I sai. He looked up and smiled, a wide smile. "Thank you, I like yours aswell." He said pointing to the purple stripe in my black. I smiled at him as the elevator door opened, and he walked out. He smiled and waved, and I did the same. The elevator kept going up to my floor, floor 11.

I put my last bag down on the floor. The clerk had told me earlier that I should go introduce myself to the other people on the floor. He said people would be nicer to me. I don't know, but I intend to do that. I walked to the apartment infront of mine, and thought of what I was going to say. I knocked on the door. I decided to keep it short and simple. An old chubby man opened the door wearing a stained sweatshirt and sweatpants. His beard was way too long, and his mustache was long as well. He was pretty revolting, but I decided to ignore that. "Hi! I'm Ella. I just moved in," I said pointing to my apartment, "Uh, I just wanted to introduce myself and say that if you need anything I'm right there." I said smiling, and pointing to my apartment once more. He smiled, and then quickly closed the door.

I went to the another apartment and went through the same routine. This lady was nicer, she was maybe in her thirtys, she was very pretty. She told me her name was Alyssa. She thanked me for coming by, and she excused herself, and said she had to get back to her kids. She also called me a 'lovely young lady' and told me she was going to get me a house warming gift. I told her there was no need, but she insisted. And I thought, the clerk was right.

I walked by another apartment, the second to last one. It was directly right to my apartment. "Hello my name is Ella." I said as a boy, around my age, showed up at the door. "What do you want?" He groaned. He had a beer, in one hand, and his phone in the other. He had his hair quiffed up, a lip ring, and skinny jeans. I wanted to point out that I liked the band advertised on his shirt, Green Day, too, but he didn't seem as if he would care. I have to admit he was attractive but he came off as a dick. "Uh I just moved in next door," I started saying. "Good for you?" He said in an 'I-don't-really-care' voice. "Would you let me finish?!" I said loudly, you could note the frustration in my voice. He chuckled, with a smirk on his face. "and, so, if you need anything I'm right there, I guess." I said pointing at my apartment. "Alright," he said closing the door, "oh wait, I think I do need something." He said. "What?" I said kind of rudely. "You. In my bed." He said and chuckled with a smug look on his face. "Fuck off." I groaned and walked away, as I heard him chuckle, once more. I don't get what was so funny to him.

I walked up to last door, and sighed in relief, hopefully this would go better than the last one. A boy with dark brown hair came to the door. "Hello, I'm Ella." I said and smiled a force smile. I was honestly exhausted, an 18 hour plane flight from Canada to Australia, was terrible, and getting here, and talking to everybody and I still need to unpack. "I'm Calum." The boy answered smiling. "WHO'S AT THE DOOR?" A voice screamed from inside the home. "Uh... Ella." Calum answered. "WHO'S ELLA?" The voice screamed. "I don't know... And stop screaming for fucks sake. This apartment isn't that big." Calum groaned. "You don't have to curse." The voice said coming closer. "Hello, Ella." The guy said, with a big smile. He had brown hair aswell but his was lighter and held down by a fedora. He looked like he was a bit older than Calum and I, maybe in his 20's. "I am Ashton!" He said smiling and shook my hand. "Uh, so basically I moved in right there, I'm the house to your left so if you need anything I'm right there." I said smiling. "Oh that's nice." Ashton said. "Uh, do you need help unpacking or something?" Calum asked. "I think I'm good." I smiled. "Are you sure? You seem tired." He said. "I am tired. Jetlag." I said and groaned. "I'll go help you." He chuckled. And I was glad he came, I did need help, and he seemed like one of the nicest people on the floor.

"So where did you come from?" Calum asked opening one of the boxes. "Canada." I said. "Damn. That's far." He said and I nodded my head, "Very." I moved my bag of clothes to my room, which was suprisingly bigger that I thought it would be. "Why'd you come?" Calum asked. "I'm going to a University here. I wanted to get as far from my family as possible." I said, truthfully. "What University?" He asked. "University of Adelaide." I said. "I go there too! Ashton does too!" Calum said smiling, really wide. "Good, you guys can help me when I start on Monday." I said laughing, and Calum smiled. "Who's that dude, next door?" I asked. "Who? Luke?" Calum asked. "I think the one with the quiff and the skinny jeans and the flip flops yeah?" I asked. "Yeah, that's Luke? Oh God... Did you meet him?" Calum asked as he bit his lip. "Yes. He's an asshole." I groaned. "He's actually pretty cool when you get to know him. And judging from your box filled with band posters, I'm guessing you'd get on with him really quick." Calum said looking at the posters. "No! You weren't supposed to see that." I said embarassed. "Why? This is epic!" He said. "All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Paramore, holy shit you have great music taste." Calum said looking through the posters. "Thank you," I said laughing.

"I'm going to sleep, I'll finish this tomorrow." I said standing up. "It's 3 in the afternoon, jetlag got you bad." Calum said standing up too. "I know," I sighed with a little chuckle. I gave Calum a hug, and I whispered, "Thank you." in his ear. He nodded and smiled and say goodnight, and left.

☠ ☠ ☠

I woke up and looked at the clock, 2am. I groaned and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I just wasn't sleepy anymore. I decided I should go to Walmart to do the groceries since its open always, and I realized I had nothing to eat, literally nothing.

I opened my door to find a rose sitting infront, with a little paper attached. I opened it and it read,

'I saw the cuts on your wrist. You're beautiful, and you shouldn't do that to yourself."

author's note

Hi Hello Hola so first 5sos fic ive written ever yayay x

I hope you like it :)

It'll be more interesting as it geos on I swearrrr

Comment if you want me to continue? If not this'll either be taken down or put on hold because two other fanfics o but yeah comment maybe vote maybe fan ;);) tell your friends, inform your mother about this story, go to the top of your home and scream "EVERYBODY READ ROSES A CALUM HOOD FANFIC ON WATTPAD GO GO GO." bc yes <3 itd be amazingly nice ;) lmaoo bye ily all and comment vote fan yayay x

roses » cth [au]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora