What pisses me off in the CP community

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I've been in the CP community ever since my freshman year of highschool, back when Mr.Creepypasta wasn't so famous and had only 6 videos on his channel and during my time in the fandom I met some really cool people ,I even managed rp with some of them and even managed to make friends with some of the creators which was really cool because I didn't know who they were until they actually told me and showed me proof. But sadly like all fandoms there's always that group of fans that have a tendency of ruining the fandom -_- , when I first joined the fandom I was very scared and interested in the stories Mr.CP read and left me thinking at night about the terrible creatures and people that could be roaming around the world but at the same time I remembered that these stories were made to scare you and not REAL, but as I said before there some fans that took these stories and creatures to seriously (As seen in the video above).

Meet Ms.Crazy (I call her that btw) a crazy ,obsessed fangirl who thinks Creepypastas are real in fact she even teaches her viewers how to 'Summon' them by killing! Yeah you read that right if you wanna Summon your BF Jeff the killer or Laughing Jack you have to kill someone or something.... Course she doesn't show it in her videos because she knows for sure she will go to jail if she does but its okay her husband Masky and her daughter Lulu will break her out! (You guys think I'm kidding but try reading her replies in the comments its funny and ridiculous).

I'm not telling anyone to go bully her but to simply not to fall or attempt any of these stupid summons as I don't want anyone going to jail or getting hurt, which she doesn't seem to care about her viewers. Guys please I beg you with all my heart and for the sake and love of the fandom don't do this, we don't want another Slender man stabbing or Laughing Jack murder, can you imagine how the creators feel knowing kids are killing for their idols? All because of some crazy anime girl.

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