About the Jason Ask

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Due to the fact I've been getting a lot of rather strange questions asks.I decided to make some new rules on this in hopes you will all stop asking Jason the following or doing the following.

1) I will no longer answer shipping related asks whether its Jason x Jeff or Candy pop etc, nor Jason x Oc. I seem to get these a lot and to be honest it gets rather annoying fast.

2) I will not answer repeated asks either, if you wish to ask please read all the other asks before asking. I tend to get a lot of repeats.

3) Please refrain from trying to Rp in the comments.

4) Please please do not try to make Jason cheer someone up or do something absurd(For example) "My friend wants to commit suicide, please talk to her so she doesn't" (please take note they are asking a fictional character) I don't wanna seem like a jerk but that's a lot of stress to take in. The Jason ask book is supposed to be entertaining not something taken to seriously, if you know anyone dealing with suicidal thoughts please inform an adult or the police and not a fictional character. Also if you want to cheer your friend up its your job as a good friend to do it, try making them laugh or hangout but please refrain from asking Jason for advice. (Believe it or not but if I get another suicide message or comment I'm discontinuing this book).

5) If you have a problem with this Jason Ask book and don't like the way I answer your question, there's an arrow on the top left corner,click it and you can leave this book alone :) .

*Sorry guys but I'm reaching my limit with the asks :/ *

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