Chapter 5: Reunite

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Narrator |

You feel as if Jimin had always cared since you met him, but you didn't put too much thought into it. You have always thought he cared for you because you were his friend and a sister of his friend. But one day he offered to bring you out with him and you thought it was just a normal outing with the boys so you went.

Jimin's POV |

"I will tell her about everything today, she doesn't even seem to remember me but I will try my best." I thought to myself. I was nervous as hell but I managed to dial her number.

"Hello Y/n?" -Jimin

"Jimin? Where did you get my number from?" -Y/n

"Um... I got it from Tae.. is that okay?" -Jimin

"It's alright. So, what's up?" -Y/n

"Yeah, I wanted to ask if you are free tomorrow? Do you want to come to the mall with me?" -Jimin

"Oh, sure, I need to pick up some stuff as well, will you come and pick me up?" -Y/n

"Of course, so I'll see you tomorrow?" -Jimin

"Alrighty then, see you tomorrow!" -Y/n

Y/n POV |

I hung up my phone and Taehuyung seem to overheard the conversation. "Who called you?" He asked while he sat down on the couch. "Oh, it was just Jimin oppa, he asked me to go to the mall with him tomorrow since I have to pick some things up as well, I said yes." I simply replied. I looked towards Taehyung, his face doesn't show that he's happy with what he was hearing but he had a smile on. "Okay, have fun tomorrow." He said and left to his room.

"What was that behaviour?" I thought to myself but then shrugged it off.

Taehyung's POV |

My gut didn't like the thought of them going out together and the fact that she even called him 'oppa' makes me feel angry, she doesn't even call me that since we were a family.

Narrator |

It was already the next day, you woke up early to get ready. You searched through your wardrobe and found a crop top and a pair of skinny jeans to go with it, you finished your look with a cap and a crossbody bag. After applying perfume, and went out of your room and down the stairs, sitting in the living room waiting for Jimin to pick you up.

Y/n POV |

I was scrolling through my phone when I hear Taehyung coming down the stairs, he looked like he was heading out. Before I could open my mouth to ask him, he already closed the door behind him. Shortly after I got a call from Jimin that he was here.

I walked out of the house and saw Jimin standing here with his white BMW. I waved to him and walked towards him. "Did you see Taehyung walking out of the front door?" I asked him when I reach his side but he shook his head to my question. "Why?" He asked as he opened the door for me. "Oh, it's nothing." I said getting into the car all confused, did I hallucinate? I thought while Jimin get into the drivers.

Jimin drove us to a nearby mall, I was so excited to go shopping since I haven't been shopping for a while now. We got off the car and I linked my arm with Jimin and dragged him into the mall. We walked around for hours and I got so many new items. I walked around while Jimin followed behind me with all my purchases in his hands. Finally, when I was done, we sat down at Starbucks for a break.

Jimin's POV |

I let out a dramatic sigh as I spoke "Finally I can have a rest! My arms are breaking because you made me carry all the stuff that YOU bought!" I ended with a pout. The waiter came in between us and place the coffee and cake down. "Y/n, I have something to tell you." Y/n looked at me while she use her fork to cut into the cake. "What is it?" she asked while she ate the cake and looked at me with a curious face. "Do you not remember me?" I asked nervously and I see her face getting even more confused.

Seeing her not able to remember me breaks my heart a little. I sigh and took out my wallet and showed her the picture I kept for years. "You still don't remember?" I asked with a sad face.

Y/n POV |

I took a closer look at the picture, the little girl in it was definitely me, when I was still a child. I moved my eyes to the boy in the picture. I looked closely and the boy was making a funny face, this was a face my childhood best friend makes, I zoomed out as I try to remember something.


"Yah, Park Jimin! What are you doing?" I saw the boy squatting on the floor looking at something. I walked towards the boy and squat down next to him. "Look Y/n, it's a snail!" The boy said and made a funny yet cute face. "Isn't it cute?"

-Flashback ended-

"I felt a nudge and it brought me back to reality. "Y/n? Are you okay? Y/n!" I looked at him and i felt tears at the corner of my eyes. "P-Park Jimin? Is this real? Are you even real?!" I said and crushed into his embrace. I felt his arm around me hugging me back. "I'm so happy you remember Y/n!" I broke the hug and hit his chest, "Where have you been?!" I yelled and pouted.

Jimin's POV |

"Yah... I missed you so much! I see puberty hit you pretty well huh? I almost couldn't recognise you." I patted her head as she broke the hug. "No! I miss you more." She said with puppy eyes. She's still as cute as ever.

After some catching up, I glanced at my watch and sadly it was already 6 pm. "Welp, I guess it's time to send you home now Y/n." I said as I gathered all of her purchases and lead the way towards my car while she followed behind me. I drove from the mall back to their house.

Narrator |

Jimin sent you home, you called Taehyung to come out to help you with the bags, because you bought so much stuff you couldn't carry all into the house. Taehyung came out and helped you with the shopping bags, but you noticed he didn't make eye contact with you, he carried your bags and went inside. You waved to Jimin and quickly ran after Taehyung.

Y/n POV |

"Yah! Kim Taehyung! Why are you being weird today?" I half yelled in a sad tone. "So, Jimin is your long lost best friend I see." he said in monotone and it caught me off guard. "Yes- w-wait, how did you know?!" Did you follow-" I was cut off. "No, I did not follow you, I just happen to know." Taehyung said and left my bags in front of my room and left to his room.

"Did he follow us to the mall? So it wasn't illusion that I saw Taehyung walking out of the house? But Jimin said he didn't see him walking out? What is going on?" I thought to myself. I didn't want to bother Taehyung anymore so I just went into my room and took out the new clothes I bought today.

Taehyung's POV |

I stayed in my room doing nothing, I was waiting for Y/n to at least check on me. But she didn't. I was a little disappointed, I can hear the sound of plastic back coming from her room, looks like she is in her room tidying the new clothes she bought today. I took out my phone and some music and started to dance to it. I usually dance to relieve stress, I played the music really loud.

Y/n POV |

I heard loud music coming from Taehyung's room, I went outside my room and knocked on his room door. Seems like his music was so loud he couldn't hear me knocking, I opened the door and peeked inside, I quickly closed the door and I blushed. The music stopped after a few seconds.

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