Ch. 11 || Echoes

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The next day- when the trumpets dwindled the morning skies and tinged the air with their music- Catherine allowed herself a walk through the streets and corners of what used to be her home. There were no birds singing that day nor were there any pedestrians near her circle for fear of getting too close to her. Her heavy gown flowed from side to side taking its time as the corset caged her ribs more tightly. Catherine liked walking alone when she could, away from the burdens of the castle and troubling thoughts of a fearful future. The lack of communication gave her mind time to relax even when she felt those hateful eyes on her as she passed every woman and man wishing her day well. It didn't bother her having knowledge of what they all really wanted; her head on a silver spike.

Catherine gleamed with joy not caring to respond back. Her pearl white teeth flicked a smile when the expression of the people around her shaped into very vivid hatred. How beautiful the silence sounded! It was as if she were the only person alive in such a pitiful world. Even better was the fact no one dared touch a hair on her head, it was the safety of being Queen that gave her the most satisfaction. Catherine Pinkerton was very gleeful indeed about the severe scowls which faded in and out of her sight.

It was a long walk to the street's end when Catherine had twisted the corner to reach between the far woods where the White Rabbit's house hid. If she had taken a carriage how quickly she could have arrived, but no, a speedy ride would have taken away the happiness she felt at that moment. Across a snowy field laid his pink residence which almost anyone without a keen eye would had mistaken for a damaged brick cottage. From afar, Catherine could see how many of its windows contained no sign of glass and walls that were once there, hardly stood anymore. A sizable hole greeted her when she attempted to find evidence of him as she called his name. Catherine paused before the missing door allowing a bit of politeness to pump through her veins, enough for her to knock on a cracking wall.

"Just a moment!" Someone called from inside. She hadn't expected to cross paths with Mary Ann but it was not any surprise the girl was left to clean up after the mess.

Catherine stood impatiently almost rupturing her knuckles by the loud knocks on the wall.

"Just a moment, please-"

She heard a crash, followed by what she assumed was glass meeting stone. Mary Ann fumbled through a sea of papers to reach the other side of the hall; tripping in the disorder.

"Y-Yes-" the old maid exhaled regretting the moment she raced towards the door. "C-Catherine," her voice was a whispering stutter. "Y-Your Majesty." Mary Ann corrected quickly bowing. Catherine gave her one of those uncaring smiles she gave her children. "Please, come in." Mary Ann took seconds before realizing her offer after stepping out of the way. She passed a hand through her oily hair, blankly examining the residue it left on her fingers. "Please excuse the mess, my queen."

Catherine didn't bother finding a spot to rest when she spoke. "Where's your Master?" She faced Mary Ann with a low voice.

Mary Ann folded her hands. "The White Rabbit is not home, my queen. He is out conducting business, as the lords of the land usually do." Catherine examined Mary Ann silently. Her hair toppled into curls that twisted into one another when she caught the lack of a proper brush, deep circles sat under her eyes making her appearance look heavier than an old Knave's, and by the stains on her apron Catherine could tell the girl hardly had anytime that didn't include work.

Without the White Rabbit home there was not much to discuss about his frequent complaints in court and what his servant girl could have said to reflect his issues must have been very little for her to care.

She breathed out annoyed by how stupid she felt. "Tell the rabbit next time he makes his queen walk through a field of snow for no reason, I'll have him skinned alive." Catherine twisted her heel to leave.

"W-Wait." Mary Ann's voice rose. Catherine raised a brow without a response on her sudden tone. Mary Ann cleared her throat. "Catherine," she began, struggling to meet her eyes, "I believe there were things that were not meant to be said, some time ago. When winters were summers. When Time let us be friends."

Cath moved her head slightly. Friends? Not a memory of such a word crossed her mind. The very thought of it made her sick. Yet, when Catherine paused to think of anything in her past relating to the mess of the girl in front of her she couldn't hold back a snort. Mary Ann's face twisted into confusion that only added to Cath's amusement. " You're something special, aren't you Mary Ann?" Cath laughed. "What queer girl you are." Her smile faded into a scowl. "How stupid you must be." Catherine parted her lips approaching the maid. "Is your skull so thick it cannot process a single word? You think I could ever be your friend. Queen's don't need friends; especially not lowly ones such as yourself. Look at you," her voice burned in her throat, "you have become nothing!"

If the walls still stood, Catherine was sure an echo would have rung out when she yelled. An echo so strong that lasted even after she parted without meeting Mary Ann's face again. She wondered if the words had cut through her. So much that maybe they caused poor little Mary Ann to shed a tear of sadness. Catherine wanted that to be true, but oddly, no matter the farther she was from the White Rabbit's home, the words seemed to only echo back to her.

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