Ch.5 || Bitter Red

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It had taken Crow three full summers to become a master of concealment. Still though, hiding the crumbs from his cheeks seemed to never go across his mind. He could still feel the stinging pain of a good slap around his wrist left by the cook every festival night and tomorrow would be no exception. With a round of guests sure to attend one of the most beautiful nights of the year he knew almost every recipe the chef could possibly make. There was velvet fudge to marshmallow dip to those sweet sweet cinnamon balls; candied delights and sugared chocolates.

Three large apple tart batches laid in front of him. Every slice carefully slit to a smooth point; the caramel almost reflecting his bright reflection. His heart throbbed steadily at the sight of such masterpieces.

He raised a thick brow at the ticking clock on the wall. Crow attempted to calculate how many sweets he could fit in his pockets before old Bailee would return to the kitchen. Unfortunately, the poor boy was never good with his numbers.

Sliding both hands into his pockets he wondered if the man with the silver hair would mind some dust in his tarts. He was a prisoner, so there wasn't much Crow could think of giving him. Afterall, something is always better than nothing. Well, that, and the fact his mother liked starving her prisoners. He always enjoyed helping the poor fools in the dungeons live for a few days or so. He never knew why but perhaps it was always the possibility they could live to see freedom once more.

An idea flashed but quickly dissolved when the door behind him slowly creaked into the wall. He swallowed awaiting for the heated mark at his wrist. But when Crow turned it wasn't Bailee scowling at him, no, in fact it was much worse.


Such a beautiful boy with such a wicked grin spreading from cheek to cheek. Red slowly paced around the powdered filled room. His eyes never leaving Crow.

"The ball ain't till morrow, Bird. So what you doing here? Shouldn't you be at court, with your subjects?" He said the words with such distaste even the room began to feel spoiled. Red plotted a lump of soft bread into his mouth without care of who was to be blamed for it's disappearance. "Planning on feeding the dogs again I see," Red smiled, "wait till mother hears about this. She's getting tired of your antics."

"I don't think that's any of your concern, brother." Even at fourteen years Crow stood shorter than his younger brother. Not that a year apart made much a difference.

Red smirked raising himself to a stool. "Oh but I think it is. If you keep feeding all the mutts in the dungeon, who's going to keep the vultures nice and fat when winter ends. We can't have a bunch of hungry birds plucking out innocent people's eyes again."

"Maybe feed them yourself. They are your pets not mine." He diverted his attention elsewhere finding it rather hard to ignore Red's presence.

Red found the ignorance quite pleasing yet it wasn't enough for him to march out now completely satisfied with his small victory.

"Have you heard the rumors? It's been the latest talk all day." He slouched in his seat picking at his nails with a small knife.

Crow softly slipped a tart into his shirt pocket. "What the ladies of the court have to say is of little interest to me. They always spread their little lies to ruin each other."

"Oh but I think this will be of much interest to our future king." Crow felt the bitter smile draw again on Red. He hated himself for meeting his crystal eyes when he turned. "More a story than a rumor really... of a boy with golden eyes." Crow furrowed his brows confused at the words. "A fool. A man who was killed fifteen years ago." Red rose from his seat. "Or so the story goes."

Crow thought himself an idiot for even wasting his time on Red's useless tales.

"Golden eyed man" how pathetic it sounded in his mind now. Catherine had always told him his looks came from a far relative. A great-great grandfather long dead.

"Next time you think of wasting my precious time go bother someone else, Crab," Crow sneered. He knew how much Red hated that nickname. The thought of it still made him shudder in his sleep from the horrifying memory of having that red beast snap at his finger, where all that remained now was only an old scar.

Crow felt the young prince's raging footsteps halt before a cold line spread at the center of his throat. He breathed almost in gasps as Red whispered in his ear. "You don't get it do ya." He pressed the knife down more tightly hard enough to almost tear flesh. "You're a bastard. Mother knows it. The court knows it. And father... he's just too dumb to realize it. You don't deserve to be king. And I'll make sure entire Wonderland knows it before that crown-" They grew apart when the door slammed so hard even the powder from the table fell in fright.

"Enough Red!" Velvet's voice sounded almost as powerful as her mother's. "What do you think you're doing?" Her blue eyes held rage.

Both boys swallowed down hard. Crow pressed a sweaty hand to his throat as if making himself aware there was nothing there anymore.

"Nothing." Red grinned. "Just an old chat with brother." He tucked the sharp metal in his back pocket the shine clear as day to Crow.

Velvet fixed her spine. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she cast her eyes between her brothers. "Back to studies. Lady Sophia will be arriving soon."

The twins fixed glances until Velvet took her leave. Red nodded following after his sister but not before scowling at Crow and slipping a piece of black parchment into his hand.

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