Ch.2 || Lemon Yellow Eyes

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The maids had not noticed Catherine when they had set the great curtains apart. It was early morning and the sun that dipped through the long windows burned like the long summer days in Hearts. A ray of sunlight danced across Cath's skin, meeting her apple green eyes. Cath was irritated being this woken up in the day yet she was grateful that horrible nightmare was over. Images of their smiles and grins were still plastered all over her mind.

Cath swallowed down hard as she forced herself up. One of the maids, dressed in a red apron and black dress, noticed Cath's damp skin and heavy breathing but didn't dare ask what was wrong. She dipped down into a courtesy, "Good morning, Your Majesty." A second maid mirrored her actions. Cath only nodded in response.

It had taken both of the maids to prepare Catherine's bath; attempting to get just the right temperature, they surely did not want to be beheaded like the last girl who ran the water colder than ice itself. They knew even the little things could have their heads separated from their bodies. Cath allowed one the girls to drape a translucent robe over her nightgown. For the first time the red fabric gave her such a distaste a bitter flavor started at the tip of her tongue.

"Your Majesty," the red haired maid interrupted Cath before she could enjoy her bath alone as she always preferred to do, "His Royal Highness has asked us to remind you of the Winter Ball. In accordance with tomorrow, he would be pleased if you were to allow the Marquess and Marchioness of Rock Turtle Cove to attend."

Cath stared at her for what seemed like an eternity, her emotionless face never faltering. "Of course he has," she whispered, "very well then." She waved a hand to dismiss her.

Catherine Pinkerton only allowed herself a few glimpses of her parents every so often. They were not as they were before, and she was glad about that. They had grown rather fearful of their once bright daughter. Of the things she was capable of. They knew they were to blame for the monster Cath had become for what could've been no longer mattered. Cath found it pathetic even for the King himself to send a message through a maid. Foolish man. Foolish man indeed.

Cath swayed her head from to side to side with her eyelids softly sealed shut. She caressed the old scar on her hollow chest. Cath tried remembering that feeling of...what was it again? That odd sensation of... love? Yes, love. A peculiar little emotion. She pondered on how such a simple thing could cause so much destruction in one's own self. Most peculiar of all, why a queen's heart was so desired among groups of deceitful idiots. How a worthless sack of blood and deep scars would heal what was soon to be dead?

Separating her lashes, Cath's eyes followed the small, scrawny, black legs of a beetle creeping along her tub's black frame. It wore a little bow on its shell of a head, polka dots were neatly embroidered on the miniature fabric. The queen furrowed her brows. She placed her index finger by the beetle as if gesturing to come closer. She met the beetle's notched vision. The tiny thing waved at her before being thrown across the room. Catherine smiled waving back at nothing.


It had not taken long for the corset to be tightly wrapped around Cath's figure. Oddly, it didn't hurt as it had many years ago. The girl had truly lost her appetite for sweets. Well, not entirely that is. She never baked. It was not in place for a queen to apply herself in such activities. But, she did enjoy visiting the royal kitchen when Time allowed her. Just that warm, delicate smell of freshly baked tarts was enough to leave her mouth drooling for days. Although the tarts were never as good as hers. The royal cook was a splendid man his delicacies sure to be yearned for throughout some parts of Hearts, but never as good as the renowned Lady Pinkerton. Or at least who she had been before.

Cath's hair was neatly tied back in a bun, her long bangs hugging the sides of her beautiful face. As always, she applied a shade of red lipstick herself, complimenting her pale complexion. Those handmaidens could never pick a suitable color. When she had reached the castle halls the her children awaited for her in a straight, single line, patiently waiting for the queen's kiss as they faced the enormous windows. They were placed youngest to oldest.

"Good day, Mother," Apple began. The small six year old child smiled weakly at her. She had taken her mother's features but truly her father's qualities.

Cath dropped down to place a bitter kiss on the girl's forehead, leaving a red stain behind. Then it was Chip, he had already made a mess of his chocolate hair; Ace resembled Cath the most with his dark green eyes and dark brown hair although he wasn't much to talk to. Rose stuttered to get the good morning wishes out. Ace nudged his sister and finally the words came tumbling out.

Red and Velvet spoke in unison, as the twins usually did. "Morning, Mother." they smiled together holding hands. Red kept his sweet smile but Velvet's only twitched nervously.

"Is something the wrong, dear?"

Velvet shook her head rapidly but it was Red who spoke. "Not at all, Mother."

Cath nodded, raising a brow in suspicion.

Last came- well I dare say the tenth hearts child was not there at all. Catherine stared back at the children who kept gazing at the sky but she could already sense their nervousness. The creaking of a door took Cath's attention away from them. It slammed behind a boy who wouldn't meet her gaze. He quickly, but silently as if no one had already noticed him, rushed beside Velvet. Catherine heard him swallow down hard.

"M-Morning, Mother." he stuttered, keeping watch on the tile floor.

Cath bowed down keeping still with her hands on her knees. "Why are you late, Crow?"

"I-I... I forgot, Mother." the boy scratched his dark hair nervously.

"We do this every morning, Crow. How could you forget?" she knew he was lying all it took was the small signs of sugary powder on his chin to clarify that for her. "Don't lie to me. Where were you?" He answered her in silence. Sliding her thumb across his chin, Cath licked the powder off her flesh. "Ate all tarts I see." she smiled. It was a real, playful smile though, not like the ones she gave to her other nine children. It was warm and all the other hearts knew she only smiled truthfully at this one boy. Her eldest. Her first.

Dimples spread across his cheeks when the grin ran so wide across his face. "Not all the tarts. Just a few."

Cath placed a kiss on the red heart on his cheek, Crow's birthmark; strangely he was the only one born with it. "Promise you left enough for me?" she teased.

"Promise." the boy nodded his lemon yellow eyes teasing her back.

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