Chapter Five: Grow Up

Start from the beginning

"Okay, so, we visit the Middle East in two days, before anyone else can get there?" Sheila spoke up, shocking the whole room quiet. She had been fetching coffee, lunch and pens all afternoon, and no one had noticed her until now. "I mean, the money's there, we just got a new wave, so we have enough to rent a jet. We send three people, meet soldiers, examine the weapons, show our disproval, and problem's fixed," she shrugged, handing out the various cups. Naomi stared at Sheila as well as everyone else, their mouthes almost agape.

"Get her a notepad, a pen and coffee. I don't care if we have to hire someone to do it, do it," Naomi clapped, opening the conference room door for one exception, and a young clerk all but ran out of the room.

"So, who do we send?" Joshua asked, leaning forward towards Sheila as he tapped the pen vigorously.

"Anyone, but Ms. Washington." The room filled with 'what's, 'why's, and 'I don't understand's from everyone except Naomi who was listening carefully, somewhat resenting Sheila for even suggesting it. "If Ms. Washington goes, that could just lead to more pictures, more articles, and more rumors. I'm sure Jack and Regina could handle it, they've been in the business long enough."

"And where am I?" Naomi piped up.

"You are in Denver, working. You call and ask a school if Mr. Livingston can come and speak with the children. We'll stage something four hours earlier than he would be arriving, he heads to the Middle East, you step in his place, rumors are put to bed," Sheila nodded, scribbling notes on a pad as she spoke.

"It's perfect," Damien, who never spoke, said, tucked deep in a corner, probably already searching for schools to visit, and the next flight to Denver.

"Alright, we'll do it. Jack, Regina, you're going to Saudi Arabia with Mr. Livingston. I'm taking Sheila and Alexis, whom, by the way, has replaced Heather. Sheila, get us that jet, Regina, find us a flight, please, and Jack, start writing for me. Mr. Livingston, could you please begin writing a speech for the troops. Damien, pull some strings. I need a bomb scare on a base somewhere in Saudi Arabia, you're staying with me. Let's go, people!" Naomi commanded as she exited the conference room, everyone shuffling out behind her.

The bus had never been so filled with chatter- everyone had a phone attached to their ear, placing calls, and scribbling different things. A few clerks had their laptops, pecking furiously at them in efforts to make this campaign successful, and as Naomi scoped over things, she was satisfied. Naomi walked with her cell phone, laptop, and briefcase back to the conference room, opening the door, prepared to set the next two days up perfectly. But, upon entering, she noticed Joshua sitting at the table with his eyebrows furrowed, and a deep frown set on his face as he sat in front of a piece of blank paper and a pen. He hadn't acknowledged Naomi, though he knew she was in the room, and instead kept his eyes on the paper, trying desperately to ignore the feeling in the pit of his stomach, and focus on writing a new speech. Naomi cleared her throat, still standing behind Joshua as she watched him stare at the paper.

"I don't think the speech will write itself," she attempted, and it was a horrible attempt. Naomi added a nervous chuckle as she came and sat on the right side of where Joshua was- the head of the table.

"Yeah, well, I figure if I sit here long enough, something will happen," Joshua shrugged, sitting back in the chair.

"Oh..." Naomi trailed. She had never used two letter word that served as sentence fillers, and yet, when she was around Joshua, she couldn't help but! It all confused her, and she figured she would write about her insecurities later, the ones concerning how she acted when she was around him. "You know what, I can't do this," she sighed, beginning to stand up before he caught her wrist, causing her to pause and sit back down.

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