81: At it's best

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You: So how's life and everything?
Me: (goes through a million flashbacks, breathes, wears a genuine smile and finally spills a few strings of characters, those that put together are surprisingly the truth)
Me: Life's been through worse and is at it's best now. Couldn't have gotten any better.

Obviously not a poem, you guys must have guessed xd. But I just felt like posting this because I personally feel we always tend to hold onto our past for like too long. And I get it. It's hard to just forget about it and skip to the next chapter of life. But honey, just know that while you are stuck in the past, you are actually missing out on your present. And trust me when think correctly and deeply, you'll surely realize that what you have in life like right now, right in this moment, is worth living for. It's the best you could have right now. And after all that you've been through, darling, you deserve a smile.

Got a little too much philosophical? Lol. Bare with my babbling😅.

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