70: Shade

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Back when
Yellow was so blue
It was intimated with red
And so were all the hues
Then why did those colours
It was simple when every colour
Was acquainted to one another
Then why did they have to
Gain a distinct shade?


It's just my hypothetical imagination. Don't ask me why was yellow same as blue😂 Kidding.
It may be a metaphor for life if you get it.

I don't know what's about colours, but I've always been fascinated by them. I love colours and different shades of it. I guess you'll be reading a few more poems on colours.
Don't hate me for that😅

Plus our highest rank is now 8th in poetry!! Like what? I'm so so so happy!😄 To all those who are reading this, thankyou so much for reading my book this far♥
Seriously means a lot❤

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