Nandini- IshRa meet.

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Hey guys, I am back with the next part. Enjoy :-).

Fab 4 came out of their thoughts, when the head servant came to inform about the worker's departure to the quarter's.

Manik nodded and all the worker's left. He then turned to Fab3 and said,

" Guys, it's quite late. You all should sleep now ".

" Even you should sleep Bhai " Mukti said as she very well knew about his condition.

He just looked at her blankly. Mukti felt a pinch in her heart seeing Manik like that.

" Bhai, plss compose yourself. We will surely get out choti back. Cabir might be angry or may be Navya or Harshad was around him, that's y he didn't inform us " Mukti said trying to give some hope to Manik.

" Cabir didn't say anything wrong Mukti. I broke my angel's heart. I knew how lucky, pure and innocent she is still I didn't trust her. When ever I signed any big deal or fab5 got huge contracts we said her to be out lucky charm. But just because she was trapped by Neyonika we accused her as bad luck. She was begging to me to trust her, trust my love but what I did. It's been a year we were together, even though I failed when my love was tested. I thought I loved her truly, but I didn't. I don't deserve her ..... I don't " Manik said with tears continuously flowing down his eyes. Anyone who would have witnessed his situation would have understood how guilty he was.

" Bhai, it's not your mistake Bhai. All fault is mine, I accused choti for all that. I accused her as cheater and I accused her for extra martial affair. All my fault Bhai, not your's " Mukti said guiltily.

" And I let u to do it, that's my fault mukti. When she begged to trust her, I didn't took her in embrace and said I trust her. When she was accused of her love towards me just on behalf of some photographs, I didn't tore those photos and said I have faith on my jaan. That's my fault mukti that's my fault " Manik said crying taking his all pain out.

" She was my sole support at every second of life in the past year, how much she trusted me " Manik said.

Flashback :

After Manan engagement, the days were moving smoothly. Fab5 - Navni's friendship grew stronger. Soon the day of her marriage was fixed.

All the pre- wedding functions, were done with Manik being naughty, Nandini bring shy and innocent baby and their friends and siblings teasing them.

Wedding Day :

Groom's side :

The whole wedding hall was in hustle bustle. All were busy in checking the preparations. Manik was getting ready in his room when his phone rang.

" Whatttt...." he shouted after listening what the other person said.

" You just can't do it without a reason " Manik said.

After saying something the other person hung up. Manik just threw away his phone and kicked the table in frustration. At tha same time Mukti entered the room and seeing him in anger she asked,

" What happened Bhai "

" Mukti, I just got a call from Mr. Gupta " Manik said.

" What he said Bhai " Mukti asked smiling.

" He cancelled out contract. He said Fab5 is famous as a band, but none of us are famous as individuals. He has no trust on me that my solo performance would be success so..." Manik said extremely frustrated.

Mukti fumed in anger listening this. She just couldn't tolerate anyone talking like this about her brother.

" How dare he said this, I won't leave him" Mukti shouted.

Love means trust Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin