How About No

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(Alexandra's POV)

After roughly a week, Eliza allowed me to go back to work, and I was immediately called into a conference. I was the last to arrive, and as I slid into my seat, Washington began to speak.

"We intercepted a message of the BRF. In two weeks, there will be an information exchange at midnight on August 12 on an island near Mexico, commonly known as the Island of the Dolls. From what our decoding team could tell, this information contains vital details about the organization's plans. So I'm going to send a team to intercept the message. While I'd normally let volunteers take an abroad mission, this is vital enough that I am going to send our two best agents. Alexandra Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson are going to take this mi--"

I stood up so quickly that my chair fell behind me, "How about NO?! I am NOT going on a mission ALONE with Jefferson!"

Jefferson had stood up as well and was yelling at Washington about how I was a "Self-centered, loudmouth who can't take orders or criticism."

"Hey, Jefferson! It takes one to know one!" I shot at him.

"Maybe I'll leave you in Mexico, Hamilton," Jefferson spat, crossing over to me, "That way you can irritate someone else for a change."

"Oh really? Well, Mr. Jefferson," I made a sardonic bow, "Perhaps I'll shove my foot so far up y--"

"ENOUGH!" Washington bellowed, "This is why I'm sending you two together! As the agency's best operatives, you should be able to cooperate!"

Jefferson and I stepped away from each other and sat down. Washington glared at us and then rolled his eyes.

"Jefferson and Hamilton, you will leave tomorrow on the 10:00 AM flight to Mexico City. You two will spend two weeks together, and kill two birds with one stone: gain the plans and make amends."

"Yes, sir." We mumbled our assents in unison.

"Alright. You two may leave. I assume you need time to pack."

I immediately left the meeting room, storming out. I quickly made my way down the hallway to my office when I heard the unmistakable saunter of my new associate. I cursed my short legs as he quickly caught up with me, yanking my arm to face him. I retaliated by throwing a punch at him. We entered a series of punches and jabs, each of us blocking the blows until one of mine made contact with his jaw. His head jerked back and I gave a little laugh of spiteful glee. Until Jefferson grabbed my shoulders and slammed me into the wall, towering over me. I swiftly kicked him in the back of the knee and shoved him away from me. He recovered and ran at me, but I whirled away, only for his left fist to collide with my stomach. I grabbed his hand as he pulled away, and jumped, landing with my legs on his shoulders. I swept my torso down and to the left, bringing him down with my momentum. He pushed me off so hard that I collided yet again with the wall. I hit it and slid to the ground, my lungs losing the air in them in a swift gasp. I curled into a ball as I tried to remember how to breathe, and shook as coughs racked my body. 


I was vaguely aware of Jefferson running to my side, but I panicked as he hauled me into a sitting position against the wall and grabbed my wrists. I thrashed but was once again consumed by coughs.

"Hamilton, relax! I'm trying to help you!"

I didn't resist as he raised my arms above my head, but I was surprised as breathing suddenly became easier. Jefferson kept my arms pinned above me, kneeling next to me until I stopped gasping for air. 

"It's like when you have a cramp from running. You want to elongate your ribcage to make breathing easier," he said as he released my wrists and stood up. "But the question is why I had to do that. I've seen you sustain worse and not even bat an eye."

"The poison. Some of the side effects haven't worn off yet. Eliza said I might get winded more easily and be a little weaker."

Jefferson extended a hand to help me up, but as I stood, my legs shook and he caught me as I nearly fell. 

"Case in point,"I said as he steadied me, "Thank you."

"Need any more help, Hamilton?" Jefferson asked, stepping away.

"No, I'm alright. I'll see you tomorrow at JFK." I replied as I walked away.

(Thomas' POV)

I frowned as I watched Hamilton walk away and into her office. I made my way into my own office. I won't deny, I felt bad. I mean, I literally threw her into a wall twice. But, I was also worried. Hamilton's combat skills are undeniable, but so is her recklessness. And I knew that no weakness would stop her from trying to fight everyone who crossed her. Unfortunately, that meant I would have to keep an eye on her on this mission. I rubbed my jaw where Hamilton hit me. She could certainly pack a punch, and she fought dirty most of the time. She'd probably be fine, but even so, I'm in no mood to be chewed out by Washington if she got hurt. Or worse.


(902 words)

I'm back! I have a larger apology on my other story, but long story short, I have not had a ton of time to write recently. I apologize for the wait, and I hope to get another chapter up soonish. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy!

Watch your Back (Jamilton Spy AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang