"The Dose Makes the Poison" -- Paracelsus

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Within the infant rind of this weak flower
Poison hath residence and medicine power:
For this, being smelt, with that part cheers each
Being tasted, slays all senses with the heart.
Two such opposèd kings encamp them still
In man as well as herbs—grace and rude will;
And where the worser is predominant,
Full soon the canker death eats up that plant. 
(Romeo and Juliet, Shakespear, 2.2.23-31)


(Third Person POV)

Angelica sped through the city with Eliza and Alexandra in the back. Eliza kept shouting out symptoms in an effort to figure out what was wrong with Alexandra.

"Nausea, vomiting, cold and clammy skin, labored breathing, weak and extremely irregular pulse. Any ideas?"

"She also said she felt a bit numb and tingly. It's definitely poison, but I don't know which one," Angelica called back, "We're almost there, just keep her alive."

"There was no evidence of it in her drink? No trace oils or powders or a weird taste?" Eliza was now frantically looking up poisons with her phone.

"No, although she did mention that her whiskey tasted slightly more alcoholic than most." Angelica pulled up to the curb and parked the van, then ran around the back to help Eliza carry the now unconscious Alexandra into the building. She had called ahead and the infirmary was prepared. They quickly took a blood sample and sent it with a nurse to analyze it for a poison while they tried to determine what had affected the agent due to symptoms.

"It might be aconite. It has the same sympto-" Eliza was cut off by the nurse.

"It is. She was dosed with 6 milligrams."

"Pump her stomach, then administer 20 minims of tincture of Digitalis, give her stimulants and maintain artificial respiration and friction," Eliza ordered, springing into action.

The medical team got to work and eventually, Alexandra was no longer in danger. She was breathing normally, although they kept her on oxygen to be sure. The steady beeping of the heart monitor showed that the arrhythmia had stopped. An IV was in her arm to administer a sedative and an anti-arrhythmic drug.

"Monitor her for the rest of tonight. If there's a problem call me. I'll be in my room in this building. In the morning I want a brain scan to check for neurological damage. Keep her in a medically induced coma for now," Eliza said and left with most of the team.

Time Skip to the Morning

(Thomas' POV)

I walked into work and was greeted by an anxious atmosphere. I spotted Peggy Schuyler by the coffee maker, looking mildly ill.

"Peggy, are you OK? What's happened?" I asked as I walked up to her.

"Alex was poisoned on her mission. She's in a medically induced coma for now, but Eliza said she would have been dead in an hour if they hadn't gotten the treatment in time," she said, filling her mug, "Washington is really torn up about it. As soon as he heard he ran down to the infirmary and hasn't left since."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. I knew how close Hamilton and Washington were. Washington had basically taken it upon himself to be her father. I decided I should make sure he was alright. And while I may not care about Hamilton as a person, I had to admit that she was one of the best agents, so as a fellow agent I might as well check on her. (Surrrre, Thomas. Nothing to do with the fact that you looooove her.) I wandered through the halls, greeting people as I walked down to the infirmary. As I walked in, Eliza waved at me and smiled. I walked over to the desk where she was working.

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