The Fall

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School inevitably ended, and Adrien went about his after school duties. Fencing practice and homework. Once done with dinner however, he spoke with Natalie and explained he'd like to go help his friend who had been out of school for a while with her homework.

"Well... You have been keeping up with your studies... And you haven't missed any lessons as of late... Alright. But be back before 10 okay?" The assistant emphasized, knowing how his father could get but not wanting him to not have a social life. Especially since, from what she could tell, he really seemed to like her.

"Thank you so much Natalie! I will!" He says with a broad smile before running out of the house and towards the limousine. He failed to notice the sad, motherly smile that shown on the woman's face as he ran out the door.

Ever since his mother had disappeared, Natalie had been the only mother figure Adrien had. Instead of keeping her distance however, she tried her best to be some form of motherly figure to him. The best she could at least. She didn't want to take his mother's place by any means, but the night the woman vanished, it pained Natalie to walk past his room and hear the muffled sobs through the door. So ever since then, while still keeping things entirely professional, she tried to be a motherly figure for him. Someone he could possibly come to should he ever need it, and that was how they worked.

Adrien didn't realize how much she had truly been there to help him and probably never would. No one knows what they've lost until it's gone. Climbing out of the limousine, Adrien told the driver he'd be ready by 10 and went up to the bakery door, walking inside and almost collapsing at the heavenly aroma that enveloped him. The scent was something that he wished would envelop him and hold him forever as he simply enjoyed the sweet aroma of the freshly baked desserts, the fresh smell of the just made french bread, and the overall smell of a home. It felt like home to him.

"Oh! Adrien!" The motherly voice of Sabine snapped him out of his trans, bringing him back to the ground rather than the clouds he had been resting his head within.

"Hello Sabine. I just came to help Marionette with her homework. Is she awake?" He asked kindly, a polite smile gracing his lips.

"Hm, I'm not sure. Why don't you just head upstairs and if she is then perhaps wake her up? I haven't heard any stirring since the attack this morning and I've been a bit worried but when I called up I got a reply that sounded like she was okay" the mother said with a shrug, before putting a bit of frosting on a cupcake and smiling with the warmth and care that could make any child feel at home.

"Ah! Adrien! My boy!" Tom said as he walked in with some freshly made croissants. "Care for one before you head up? Wait! Actually, I'll make a plate for you and Mari to munch on" he said happily, making the boy smile.

"You two are so kind! Really! Thank you so much!" He stated with a smile. They had taken him in ever since his second visit, glad he was coming over to see their daughter so much. Usually it was only Alya who would come, so the fact that she had another friend coming over more often was comforting to them. Even though it was a boy.

After making a plate consisting of a couple cupcakes, 3 cookies, a handful of macrons, a few croissants, and a couple glasses of milk, Tom handed the plate to the boy with a warm smile.

"Of course Adrien. We're happy to do it!" He says happily and motioning for him to go upstairs. "Enough though, I'm sure she's waiting for you so you hurry on up there."

With a final goodbye, Adrien made his way up the stairs and to the injured girls trapdoor, knocking upon the wood and waiting for a response.

"Who is it?" He heard from the other side, a smile climbing onto his cheeks as he poked his head in with a smile.

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