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Now that the war was over, Keith would lie awake at night, wondering what he would do to protect what had been taken from his friends, his family. He remember the day that Matt Holt had appeared from the dead and how happy Pidge and Shiro were to finally see him again. He remember the time when Hunk when back for Shay. All those times never hurt him in the slightest. But now that he thought hard enough, Keith cursed himself for failing to notice his gut telling him that something horrible was going to happen.

Over the course of the last few months, Keith and Amor had come to find out they were half brothers. It was a rather weird way as well. A virus was going around the castle and Pidge had collected everyone's DNA to see what it was. Keith had never been happier in his life. Finding that he had a brother and they had been together since Violet showed up made Keith's dream (which was always been hidden in the back of his mind) of having a little brother.

But Keith remembered a date, a date that would forever be imprinted in his mind.

Keith remembered the day where Amor was stationed to a small rather desolate planet. He was only there to make peace with Galra who lived there and was able to get them to believe in Voltron. The next thing Keith knew, he was called from his mission to aid Amor in battle. By the time he got there, the town Amor was staying at was in flames and Violet had been destroyed and crying for her pilot.

He remember running to Amor's side, only to realize he was too late. Amor had died in battle, shot down by his own arrows.

The date - August 17th. Amor's birthday.

Thinking about it now as he laid next to his husband, Keith wiped his tears. But he told himself Amor's legacy lived on as he and Lance had come across a baby Galra, whom earned the name Amor.

By the time he and Lance had taken in baby Amor, the war was already over, planets becoming free from the empires reign. Species from all planets had come to planet Earth (as the Paladins, plus Allura and Coran had returned home), it was strange that no one cared that alien species were now settling on Earth.

The paladins visited there family, bonding and telling them about their adventures, Voltron and even their hardship along the way. Keith still remembered the day Lance introduced him to his family and had proposed later that day. The paladins, Allura and Coran had come together once more and bought a home together.

Allura and Shiro were married and soon little Alishka was born. Keith remembered Amor being excited for his new friend. Everyone lives fell in line, everyone had began getting jobs. Hunk- an engineer, Pidge- works at a local cafe shop, Shiro- CEO for a technical company, Lance- a therapist and Keith- a reporter. Keith remembered all the times that his family would get excited when they got their jobs. Except forAllura and Coran, who stayed home to play with Alishka, who was three and Amor, who was four. Keith couldn't help but to smile at everything good that happened to them...

"Keith... why are you up so late?" Keith turned to see that Lance had woken up and had sat up slightly, rubbing his single eye.

Just thinking about stuff. Keith replied, looking at him.

"It's Amor isn't it? Your brother?" Lance asked.

Keith was quiet, but nodded. He was thinking about his brother by recalling everything that had happened to them. Lance moved to give Keith a kiss and wrapped him in his arms.

"I'm sure he is watching over you right now," Lance said, "he always did have a thing for watching over you."

Keith smiled slightly. It was true the Amor was always there, watching over him even before they knew they were brothers. Sounds about right.

Lance gave Keith another kiss before he settled back into a comfortable spot, "get some sleep, we have work tomorrow."

Keith watched as Lance was quick to fall back asleep, so Keith snuggled into his husband and closed his eyes, letting himself fall asleep.


The last chapter! I bet you guys didn't see those twists :^)

- Queenofthisship


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