Chapter IV

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Keith shut the laptop as that was the last of the bodies and because he couldn't bare to look, even though he was already blinded by tears. He didn't even want to think that Lance was dead. He just couldn't. Whipping his tears, Keith sat the table for awhile longer before he knew that he had to talk to the others. They knew more than he did at this point.

He shakily got up from the table and slipping the laptop under his arm, he slowly began to make his way to the control room, where Allura said they would be. With his heart heavy with the thought of his boyfriend possibly dead, Keith ventured through the halls until he came to the control room. However, he stop, cleared his sniffles and tried to make himself as normal as possible. None of the others knew that he and Lance were in a relationship, Keith's heart still hurt from what he was hiding. He took in a shaky breath, before he took a step and the door opened.

Shiro and Allura were standing next to each other, looking over what seemed to be the videos on the small console. Pidge and Hunk where in their seats, both typing furiously at the keyboards. Pidge was the first to notice Keith as she had stood from her seat and moved to where he was. Keith gave her a little smile as he handed the laptop back to her.

"You okay?" She asked as she took the laptop from him.

He blinked and then gave a nod. Everything is fine.

Pidge only stared at him for a split second before her attention was drawn to her chair. She gave Keith a little wave, before she leaves to her chair. Keith watched her go, before he went over to Shiro. The older paladin turned to him and gently laid a hand on his shoulder, almost as if he could sense what Keith was going through.

"We'll find Lance," he said quietly.

You better. Keith told him, his eyes narrowing at him. If he's alive.

Those words hurt Keith more than Shiro would ever know. Keith had to force himself to not place as hand on his chest as his heart was hurting. Shiro just gave him a little nod and then turned to the what Allura had pulled up on the screen. Keith looked and saw a screenshot from a recording when Lance was with the Gentes.

"As for as we know of, Lance was on the planet of Taricon," Allura spoke, " I remember meeting with Taricon's people. But with the footage of Lance... Well... Being shot, we have no idea where he would be now."

Why don't we go to Taricon? Keith asked, looking at her.

"I don't know their language," she said.

Someone there must've learned English from Lance, maybe some Spanish.

"Spanish?" Shiro questioned, giving him an almost suspicious look.

Keith swallowed hard, carefully choosing his words. Lance is the type of person to boost. He probably taught them Spanish while he was there.

"No one here knows Spanish," Pidge commented from her spot.

I do.

All heads turned towards Keith as soon as he said it. Keith could almost see the smirk appearing on Pidge's face, but he acted as if he didn't see it. He quickly changed his expression as smoothly as he could, making a surprised look appeared on his face.

What? He asked, looking around at the other paladins.

"You know Spanish?" Hunk asked in surprise, his eyes wide.

Of course, I've been taught it at an early age. Keith lied. All of his Spanish came from Lance.

So yes I know Spanish. I may be a little rusty, but I can do it.

The others exchanged glances with each other as they each gave nods. Keith couldn't help to smile a little at the fact that he may have been able to successively hide he and Lance's relationship. But they were going to Taricon, the planet that Lance had gone to, protected it and taken him. Even if Lance was alive. Keith's heart clenched. He was not sure if his heart was going handle this sadness of losing his boyfriend if he stayed there longer than he needed to. He didn't need the heartache. 

"Alright," Allura spoke up, "let's suit up. Our destination, Taricon."

Keith turned as she said it, following the others as they left as well. With his heart heavy and his emotions now bubbling up, Keith pushed through the doors to the where the suits were.

He needed to find Lance or his heart would not be able keep on living.  

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